Wrestling Styles: Brawler, Technical (when he's challenged to a technical style match)

Main Finisher: A Bronx Ending (Underhook Piledriver)


IWGP United States Champion (3x)
GCW World Champion (4x)
ROH World Champion (2x)
Rev Pro Wrestling Champion (3x)
NXT Champion (2x)


Love Interest: Kanako Urai

Love Interest: Kanako Urai

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Born in the Bronx, in New York City, James "Jimmy" Angelo lived in a neighborhood where the Italian mafia had been residing in.

Early on in his early teens, Angelo had been involved with the hard stuff like coke and heroin, thinking it would get better for him when he had to go through his mom dying from terminal cancer.

When he got involved with drugs, Angelo had his the problem from his father and his Family very well until his father had found out, disowning him for his drug use.

Later on, he would watch pro wrestling as another means to escape the harsh realities of life. When Jimmy saw an opportunity to visit Japan, where a relative of his had run Japanese wrestling dojo.

During that time, Jimmy had sworn off the hard stuff, for a couple months until he got into a car accident that nearly ended his life.

Waking up to reality, Jimmy went to rehab and got clean, looking to make a difference and not get involved with drugs or alcohol again.

When he was meeting so many people in Japan, especially in the Japanese dojo, he got to meet the aspiring prodigy in wrestling, a cutie named Kanako Urai, who went by in Japan as "Kana", the shortened version of her real name.

The two became very good friends while they were communicating in Japanese and English however they could and finding some things in common, like classic rock music and anime like Naruto or Dragon Ball Z, where Jimmy managed to learn and speak Japanese almost fluently while Kana learned English from him.

It helped him get a couple dates with some of the girls in Japan after sometime making his wrestling debut, but most of them didn't go well, only because of the tattoos he has, which is a taboo in Japanese society.

Not wanting to come back to America for his family, Jimmy stayed in Japan, showing off his charisma and dedication to wrestling, which impressed Kana so much that she offered to travel with him.

He accepted and that is what lead to their undying friendship, where Kana and Jimmy just teased and talked when on the road, traveling together.

Along the way, Jimmy would win the IWGP United States Championship four times, two years after making his New Japan debut and being booked to perfection over a couple years.

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