" in between "

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HOPE MOVED THE HAIR COVERING Gracie's face behind the brunette's ear as her head laid comfortably on her pillow. The seagulls cried out on the beach as the waves crashed onto the shore. Gracie's mouth was slightly open as light snores escaped her mouth. Hope traced the light brown freckles on the brunette's face, careful not to wake her up.

It was early in the morning and Hope had to go to work soon. "Gracie?" She whispered. Gracie didn't move a finger at Hope's words. "We have to get up, Gracie." Hope leaned forward to kiss Gracie's bare neck. Gracie's arms wrapped around her waist and brought Hope closer. "Mmm..." Gracie groaned. "Mine."

Hope could only assume that her face was as red as a tomato. "We have work today, Gray." Hope ran her fingers through Gracie's morning hair. "Do we?" Gracie mumbled into Hope's neck, following with a light peck. "Yes we do."

"That's such a shame. My only purpose for having a job was to make you mine and now that I completed my mission, I don't feel like going back." Gracie dryly chuckled. "What if I pick you up after work, yeah? What time does your shift end?"

Gracie kept Hope close as she got up from bed which caused the blonde to giggle loudly. "I have an early release today so maybe 5:30-ish? I don't know. They still think I'm sick, I could have the rest of the week off if I wanted."

"You still have to take me on a second date, Abrams." Hope grinned. "Oh I do, don't I?" Gracie laughed. Hope caught the glance at her lips and backed herself away from Gracie's embrace only a bit. She was still all snuggly in Gracie's arms mid-air. "No kisses until we brush our teeth. There's an extra toothbrush under the sink if you need one, gorgeous." Hope jumped out of Gracie's arms and began walking towards the bathroom.

"Gorgeous, huh?"

"I am my mother's daughter." Hope smiled. Gracie appeared behind her in front of the mirror and kissed Hope's back. "I do need to get the toothbrush, babe." Gracie mumbled into her skin. Hope reached under the sink and passed the teal toothbrush to Gracie. "Your majesty." Hope teased.

"You were in the way, princess." Gracie said. Hope looked into the mirror and caught Gracie's eyes. "You're attached already." Hope's gaze turned to Gracie's arms wrapped tightly around her waist. "When I have a pretty lady like you in my hands, I can't help but be protective." Gracie pulled away from Hope to spread toothpaste on her toothbrush.

"I never told you to pull away." Hope whined. "I'll cuddle you after I brush my teeth, okay?" Hope just nodded and began brushing her own teeth.

AFTER ENDLESS KISSING AND snuggling, Hope and Gracie were finally ready to go. Taylor wasn't up yet but Hope did leave a post-it on the fridge that she was at work and wished Taylor a good-morning. Gracie would ride with Hope since they worked right beside each other.

Gracie was driving this morning with Hope's hand in hers. "I didn't bother you in your sleep, right?" Gracie asked. "You were an angel." Hope shut her phone off and put her attention on Gracie. "The truth, Swift." Gracie demanded. "I spent thirty minutes looking at you to make sure you were okay. I think I'd know if you were a complete mess."

"Why were you up?" Gracie looked at Hope for a second before turning her focus back onto the road. "I woke up early to use the bathroom and I couldn't fall back asleep." Hope fiddled with her long sleeve and pecked the back of Gracie's hand. "But you're a graceful sleeper, Abrams. Better than me." Hope giggled along with Gracie.

The windows rolled down as the wind blew through Hope's blonde locks. She looked out the window towards the beach, watching as the seagulls played with the sand and searched for breakfast.

Take me out tonight / Where there's music and there's people...

Hope smiled as Gracie began to sing along to The Smiths playing on the radio. "Can I be completely honest with you?" Hope begins. "Always." Gracie stops singing to peck the back of Hope's hand, her thumb rubbing the blonde's soft, buttery skin. "I'm new at this. At being with a girl, I mean. I'm not saying I don't wanna be with you but... I don't know what to do."

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