the neighbor

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Blaire's POV

The midnight toned jeep pulled up to the curb and the engine quickly cut. I rolled my eyes, knowing exactly who's car that was. Slowly the driver's door opened, smoke pouring out, and a long leg stepped out in black joggers and beige low Nike dunks. her body emerged from the car as she turned around and grabbed her bag from the passenger seat.


She wore her hair in a messy bun on top of her head and she had her black club-master ray-bands on to cover her eyes. It was a hot day, but did she really need to have her shirt off? Her black Nike sports bra didn't hide any of her tattoos that littered her stomach and her right arm, stretching from the elbow to her collar bone. She strolled over towards her friends, it's true she thought she was hot shit and clearly so did the people around her. I won't lie she was pretty, her tan skin, toned body and height didn't hurt she was usually taller than the girls around her, probably 5'9 or 5'10. Cam was known to try and fuck any girl she deemed attractive, and mostly was successful. I never really talked to her despite living next door for the past four months. My only opinions of her were from what I've overheard or witnessed at parties when she's bent down whispering into the ear of some starry-eyed girl. I've heard her talk to her friends, her guy friends she's always a little more 'bro' with but she seems to treat everyone the same, she's always laughing and playfully shoving, teasing and influencing almost every bad decision around her. She lived next door with her three other roommates. Each like character out of a movie, all stunning of course, Cam couldn't help but only surround herself with good looks.

"She's fucking Amy now" my roommate, Kate, faced me as she spoke.

"Won't be long now until she gets bored though poor Amy" Ava's pout vanished as quickly as it came.

"Nah I think they both know it's a casual hook-up" Kate shrugged

"You just always have the inside scoop Kate" Ava answered back

I looked back over to Cam. She passed her joint to one of her seated friends and dropped her bag while sprawling over the over two laying on a towel. They screeched and attempted to shove her body off all while laughing and yelling. I always admired her friendships, the closest people to her were her roommates and a kid named Max, and they always had her back. There was never a question of judgment in Cam's preference in fucking girls, and they were the first to jump and back her up if she wanted someone gone from their house parties. Cam returned the favor, her stature often eye level to any guy who pissed of the girls, she was the muscle of the group and everyone knew it.

"I like living next to them, their parties are fun, and we never have to host anything or clean up!" Ava giggled.

"Agreed" I coolly add and turn back towards the sun. After about 20 minutes of tanning, a patch of cool shade slowly passed over my body and I opened my eyes.

"Hello neighbors" Cam cooed, standing above me but I couldn't tell where her eyes were looking through her sunglasses.

"Hey Cam" Kate didn't even open her eyes, Cam's raspy and flirty tone was distinct enough to know who was talking

"You're coming tonight right Katie?" Cam flirted while lifting a hand to her glasses to pull them off revealing two light grey eyes with a bruise completely surround the left.

"You know, throwing a party every weekend really starts to take away the excitement of drinking" Kate replied in a bored tone

"Aw, but this is a special one, It's Max's birthday!" Cam's cool demeanor warmed, at the mention of her friend.

"You two are attached the hip, I'm surprised he's not here now" Kate finally looked over to Cam and gasped "what the fuck happened to your eye?"

"How about I tell you when I see you tonight" Cam was turning to leave when her eyes fell down to me I felt her eyes slowly taking me in. I don't blame her, I look good. I've always had a flat stomach and my bikini helped push out my tits, which were already my best feature. I always had the confidence that comes with being a hot girl which I'm sure Cam isn't used to. She seems like the type to go after girls who would melt in her hand, girls she could toss aside without a fight.

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