Dreams and Itchy Bugs

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The sun rose with the chirps of morning birds, until it didn't. *BOOM* Saitama woke with a start and a hand grabbing him by the face, he tried to punch it but the hand threw him through the wall and out of his apartment. He flew through the air before skidding to a stop "My..." he gulped, "My house..." he looked over to the apartment next to his to see a hole much similar, but with much more blood. "(Y/N)?!"


Your morning was going great so far, you finished up a commission of an Amai Mask self insert and was making a bomb ass breakfast for you and your favorite neighbor. *BOOM* "Huh?" You went to your balcony after turning off the stove to see...tiny earth people... "MWA HA HA! WE SUBTERRANEANS HAVE CLAIMED THE EARTH! ALL SERFICE DWELLERS WILL DIE!" "I AM THE SUBTERRANEAN KING! SURFACE DWELLERS, PREPARE YOURSELVES FOR-!" The little dude didn't even stand a chance, Saitama stomped his head in. "I WILL PROTECT THE EARTH!" Oh wow, he's yelling. "SO...BRING IT ON!" Why is he so pissed? "Sai? What did those little dudes do to you man?" The bald man snapped his head to you and his whole body seemed to sag, "Uh, nothing I guess." he said. The man then sniffed the air, "You make something?" you rolled your eyes, "Yeah and theres enough for you too so get up here." your chortle.


You where watering your balcony garden when you heard a loud smack next to you, you look over to see him grab and smack at the air, even the side his own head. It was almost like he couldn't catch it, then he was everywhere at once, it was almost majestic. "*snort* Did you get it?" Saitama looked over to you with a wild look in his eyes, "No." he ground out behind his teeth. "HA HA!!"

You went back into your own apartment to clean up some mess you had made, as you pass your balcony door you could still see your bald friend  trying to catch that mosquito. You laughed a little before going back to cleaning, *fwoosh* you look back outside and see Saitama running down the street screaming about 'Not being done with you!!', whatever that ment. "Is he still after that fucking bug?"

You opened your door to grab the mail and got an eye full of naked Saitama. "Jesus crist man, when did catching a bug turn into a bad porno?!" You say while turning from him, he gave you that soft boiled egg look before straightening out. "Do you want it to be a bad porno?" He asks wiggling his brow, you laugh "Go put some pants on man."

I hope you liked this chapter, until next time!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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