"I guess they feel safe here," Carmilla murmured into her cup. "They will be asleep till noon tomorrow if you let them." I hummed to her words as I walked further down the hall. I glanced into the third guestroom and groaned. I forgotten that I remodeled it into a personal study a few decades back. I was helping Stolas with his spell work. My forehead bumped against the doorframe in aggravation. I only had one other room and that was my own. 

"Is something wrong?" Carmilla asked. 

"No, not really," I said as we traversed to my bedroom. "I forgot I remodeled one of the rooms. You will be staying in my room tonight." I opened the door to an already roaring fire. The room was technically two with an arch way dividing them. The sitting room had the walk-in closet and a couch that sat in front of the fire. The bedroom itself had my smaller dressers with mirrors, some bookcases, and a door that led to an outdoor balcony. It held a beautiful view of the park if you ignored the cannibals hunting. 

"You can have the bed," I mentioned toward Carmilla. "I do not mind taking the couch." 

"Nonsense," she argued. "This is your room. You should have the bed." 

"If you want to compromise, we can share," I countered. "Otherwise, you get the bed. You are my guest. It would be rude if I just stiffed you with the couch and the girls get their own rooms." Carmilla studied me for a long second as if looking for another hidden agenda. I shrugged her bag down by the bed as I aimed for the closet for extra blankets and pillows. I started to make myself a little bed out of the couch when she regained her senses. 

"I would rather share than you not having a bed in your own home," Carmilla commented almost sheepishly. With a nod, I replaced the bedding onto one side of the bed and reorganized everything. 

"You can have whatever side you feel comfortable with," I murmured. I aimed to exit the room. 

"Are you not tired yet?" Carmilla asked. 

"Not really," I admitted. "I was going to go back up to the greenhouse for a little." To preferably calm my heart to the fact that I am about to have a deadly gorgeous woman in bed with me. Disappointment ghosted Carmilla's face for a second before she nodded. The ballerina took to my side. 

"May I go with you? I do not believe I ever saw your greenhouse." Genuine curiosity held in her expression. 

"Sure," I exclaimed as I walked away from the bedroom. "Follow me."  

She followed me up to the greenhouse that encompassed the whole top floor. Her jaw slacked as she glanced around.  My eyes followed her as she walked around the cobblestone paths. A small grin crept on my face as she stared up at plants I cared for. They hung low from the ceiling and popped up everywhere around her. Glee filled me as I walked up to her. 

"You know I have a way to make this even better," I stated as I stood next to her. Her expression brightened up as she turned to me. 

"This is gorgeous! How could you possibly make this better?" Carmilla refused to hide her excitement. Blush crept up my neck as I looked away from her. A wild glint took over my irises as I waved ahead of me. A large, light blue sigil lit up the room before it silently exploded. Carmilla gasped as she watched stars take over the sky. Small planets circled around the center of the sigil. A whole tiny universe at our fingertips. It was an illusion, but the look on the ballerina's face was worth it. 

It took forever to perfect this spell initially. But the moment I did, I exploited it to the fullest advantage. Whenever I needed an escape, I used this spell. I snapped my fingers and fell back. I was weightless, swirling around the room in orbit with the fake solar system. Carmilla giggled as she watched me drift with the planets. 

"This is magical." I had never seen such an open expression on the woman's face. 

"It is exactly that," I agreed. "Magic." I snapped and she slowly levitated in the air. Her fell came undone from their restraints and fell free. Her face beamed with joy. I loved every second. I wanted to always be the reason she smiled from ear to ear. It made my heart pound against my chest. 

Carmilla hovered toward me. She took my hand in hers as if she had no care in the world. I surely did not. Our eyes connected and for a second, I swore our hearts sung the same tune. She drew me closer to her. I forgot how to breathe. She was blissfully gorgeous. A woman that deserved to be an angel in my eyes. We drifted among the stars. She kept pulling me close to her until our bodies almost molded together. 

This was a moment I wanted to last forever. 

We stayed like this for an hour before deciding it was time to go to bed. I snapped my hands and let us down gently before I closed off the spell. We stood in the greenhouse; our eyes connected to each other. Carmilla had this sense of gravity around her that kept pulling to her no matter what we were doing. However, neither of us moved. We held a silent conversation between each passing second.

Carmilla was the first to move and she aimed directly for me. Her large hand encompassed my cheek and pulled us together until we were centimeters apart. My arms wrapped around her waist and tilted my head down to her slightly smaller frame. I saw the hesitation that held her in place. The silent plea for some form of confirmation. I bit my lower lip, and her attention immediately turned it. I was taking my chances on this one. I am a gambler after all. I pulled her into me. 

Her lips connected with mine.  A low moan was shared between us as her grip tightened around me. I scraped my tongue against her lips, demanding entrance to explore her more. I was granted it and greedily took my fill. Our tongues danced and pure ecstasy made me dizzy. I never understood the concept of drugs. Kissing the right person always had a better high than anything else. Carmilla's hand moved up from my cheek to my hair and ripped the bun free from its holding. I did the same to her styled horns. Our locks cascaded down in waves. I wanted more. I wanted so much more that it ached in my core. Sadly, we had to come up for air at some point. 

The two of us mirrored a gasp as we tried to regain the air in our lungs. Our eyes refused to leave each other. The flushed look on her face was tantalizing. I wanted to see more of it. I pushed some of the hair out of her face and glanced at her head. To my surprise, no horns to speak of. Then again, I was sure that hell's ballerina never needed them to be as fierce as she was. 

"C-Carmilla," I managed to stutter out. My eyes found my way back to her rubies. "I erm...never knew you liked me that way." A relieved chuckle escaped me. Carmilla gave me the ghost of a smile. 

"I never knew you reciprocated," she admitted through red cheeks. "Astra I...I would love to explore this further. Maybe not now, but sometime soon." I numbly nodded my agreement. I was practically putty in her hands by the way my heart was screaming for her. Her hands fell into mine and held them tight. "Would you like to go to bed?" 

"I would love to," I agreed. We both traversed down the stairs and toward the bedroom. I collapsed onto the bed immediately while Carmilla took her time. She had a whole skincare routine packed away in her overnight bag. It had been so long since someone was in this bedroom, I forgot what it felt like to share a bed. Once she was in bed with me, I closed my eyes. Her weight dipped the mattress slightly. I felt her move into a position that weighed me down as well. When I reopened my eyes, the soft snores of sleep greeted my ears. Her head laid against my chest, a small smile across her lips. She was out like a candle, and it was adorable to witness. I wrapped my arm around her waist and held her as my own eyes drifted off to sleep. 

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