chapter 1 part 2 'Reincarnation, in Another World?'

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Phantom pov

As I wake up I see a few pairs of eyes all glowing red as I look at the three things there were all spider monsters. As I looked at Shiro as she slowly woke up we were never morning people as she would fall asleep in my bed when our parents want to wake me up. But that was a terrible job as I look at all of them. It seems to be three of them as they pulled a giant rat at us? As they pushed it closer to me as Shiro slowly waited up 'What is this?' Shiro asked through the mental link. 'More spiders!!!' I looked at her -NO I thought there were flies- as they push the giant rat closer to us as we take a bite and start to eat it as we see them chirp and clicking sounds as they started to work on the nest that Shiro was making the nest one of them was doing less work it was bigger than Shiro as I look at the other spider. Shiro seemed to look at them and then I felt something was off about them but I could not place my finger on it as I see a screen pop up as I look at it // You gain a gift from D Grand Empress. // as I look at it seems to make monster help me now we just need to worry about humans I wonder how is works as it sounds powerful as I see they were chattering as I see one of the threads coming and thrashing as I see a big blue frog as it eyes glow a faint green I let out a few low chirps to tell them stay back as I look at them all stand back. As it let out a low croaking sound as it shot acid hitting my right side as I was two times smaller than Shiro. As I scream in pain it felt like my body was on fire melting and still burning. //You have gained Acid Resistance level 1 and pain resistance level 1// as the pain when down to a mere heat on my skin not as bad as before but still not good as it fires again as I dodge as I see that some acid dripped on to the webs as it launches more acid as I felt the burn again //The Skill Acid Resistance has level up to level 2// as I look at the frog as I go in for the kill on it throat as it bit down on me and threw me to a wall. //The Skill Pain Resistance has level up to level 2.// as the pain becomes duller and less noticeable as I see the frog as it shoots more acid at me hitting my under belly as I look at it with a roar. //You have gained the title of Fear Bringer.// Why did I get that? It shot more acid and hit my leg as my front leg melted as I looked at this thing it Stronger or more likely I am weak. //Acid Resistance level 2 has leveled up to level 3.// As this thing broke the webs as the Acid did a number to it charged and slammed me to the wall as I looked at it. It was much slower than I thought as I barely dodged the Acid attack as I bit down on it leg as it slammed me to the ground but in this action it also hurt itself. As I charged again it slams me to the ground // you have gained the skill Hp Recovery.// As I felt myself healing and I smile as it shot acid again as I rolled out of the way as I looked at it the it once again it shot more acid as it hit my on my left side making only one eye left for me to use as it kicks me again into the wall as I looked at it with my one eye and glared at it as it charges as it dodges it and then shoots Acid as I got hit on my lower back. // You have gained the skill of running level 1.// as I felt a bit faster as I charged at the monster as it bit him again as the frog monster flung me into the wall. I was mad at this thing as it was too strong for me but I will not give up on the hope and I charged and bit it in the lower leg as it once again flung me into the wall. //The skill Poison Fang has leveled up from level 1 to level 2.// Since when did I have a Poison Fang skill? Does it matter now no. As it stomps down on me I growl and as it picks up its leg and bites down as I smile as it slams me into the walls. As I look at the monster as it tries to hit me with acid as I start to dodge as I got hit in the back I growl at the monster as I use the last form foot I have as a spear and pierce the monster eye as it is grabs my leg and rips it off as I look at the monster that not going to grow back anytime soon or at all. As it was in pain as I bite down on it arm // The skill Poison fang has leveled up form level 2 to level 3.// // The skill Hp Recovery has leveled up form level 1 to level 2.// as I quickly dodge the acid attack and I look at the monster as I get out of my field of view I look around as I look up I see the monster as it lands on the ground making a small cloud of dust. As it kicks me into the webs that were behind me as I look at it I dodge quickly allowing it to hit the webs as I bite down on it arm as I look at it as tries to get me off by failing about as I bite off a chunk of it arm and started to eat //You have gain the title of Foul Eater as because of this title you have gained Poison Resistance.// as I look at the frog monster it roared and then attacked with it fist as I barely dodge that attack but lacked the foresight to dodge the follow up in mid air as I got hit into the wall as I looked at the frog it was also heavy damage as it charges as I dodged to the left of me landing on the ground. As it looked at me as I looked back as I growled at it it changed as I bite down on it chest //The skill poison fang has leveled up form level 3 to level 4.// as the it ripped off another one of my legs making 4 left only half as my speed was much slower //The skill running has leveled up form level 1 to level 2.// as I felt much faster as before as I dodged more attack as the monster used acid on the ground to chase me as I barely dodged a surprise punch form the monster as I saw two more of them coming in as they shot there acid it did not affect me in anyway other than a minor burning feeling that was easily overshadowed by the punch form the first one launching me into the wall. //The skill Hp Recovery has leveled up form level 2 to level 3.// As I felt myself heal and feel better as I looked at the three monster that stand before me as the one that was heavy injured left for some reason as I slowly starting fainted and then as I thought about what was going threw my head //You have gained the title of Demonic Beast.// 'Come back here you Acidit.' //You have gained the skill of naming level 1.//

Acidit pov

I had gained the thought that unlike my other monster I had gained the title of Demonic Beast, well fighting that monster 'Come back here you Acidit.' it said as I did not listen as if that fight carried on I would had died to the poison as we found a few rat type monster I killed them quickly with my new skills as I leveled up as my injures turned into scars that glowed a faint purple as I looked at them there were the marking of my war with that monster unlike those Spider monster other monster do not fully heal after a level up. But it didn't affect me that monster had the will to kill me in a few seconds and it would have probably done that if I gave it a chance to kill me but now I will not see that monster till I am stronger.

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