"Korra," Asami said, writing something down quickly.


"You're staring," Asami's lips turned up.

Korra's cheeks tinted pink and she pressed her face into Asami's stomach shyly, muffling an apology, "Sorry."

Asami chuckled, before growing serious again, "I hope I get the right amount of funding to start building these prototypes. It's going to be a pretty expensive project."

Korra peeked up at her, "President Moon along with your business partners will back you, they always do."

"Well if they don't, I don't know how I'll get everything I need or have the staff for it." She placed her fingers on her forehead, rubbing gently and Korra furrowed her eyebrows.

"Asami, don't stress. You got this, and if by chance you don't get funding for whatever reason which won't happen, I'll take care of it. We always manage a way to pull off our plans." Korra told her.

"You already have a lot you need to worry about, Korra," Asami sighed.

Korra smiled, snuggling closer to her, "Asami, you're worried over something that isn't going to happen. This project is too impressive and too valuable to the future of Republic City, you'll get the funding and probably more partners as well in the process. Just focus on completing the plans, and we will go from there, okay?"

Asami smiled down at her girlfriend, running a hand over her face gently, "Avatar your way with words astounds me."

Korra beamed, "What can I say, it's a talent."

Asami giggled, flicking her on the forehead lightly, making Korra laugh, "Take a nap."

Korra shut her eyes, still smiling, "Yes ma'am."

While Korra slept, Asami continued to work but stopped when her girlfriend started squirming, looking to be in pain which surprised her. She was having nightmares. Asami put her work down and ran her hand through her hair gently, until Korra relaxed again, snuggling closer.

Asami was so concerned for Korra, though she can't tell her that. She already has so much on her plate, and Asami wants to remain strong for her. Korra has been through so much as the avatar and more than anything deserves peace, but something always jeopardizes it. Asami knows she'll be working pretty much non-stop until all of this is over whenever that may be, but she needs to make sure everything works out perfectly.

She needs to somehow be able to speak to Mako privately about her concerns for Korra, he'll understand. She needs to know he'll have her back no matter what, at any cost, even if it means Asami's life may be at risk.

Asami realized just how much time has passed and she gently shook Korra awake, the avatar's eyes opened slowly and she glanced up at Asami with a small grin.


Asami nodded, "Yes, it's time."

Korra sighed, sitting up slowly running a hand through her hair and Asami watched the way it messily went over her shoulder, how shiny and smooth it was, how sexy it looked at this moment. Korra looked over her shoulder, and Asami looked away quickly, blushing lightly.

"Now who's staring?" Korra smirked.

Asami glanced back at her, "I can't help it. And the way your hair looks right now, right after you wake up, it's. . ."

Korra smiled, slowly crawling on top of her girlfriend, straddling her while her hands went to the sides of her neck, "It's what?"


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