I cant do this

14 0 6

Im tired
I wanna rot in my bed and do nothing but just put on ny headphones  and imagine my life is flawless.
My mama's so tired but so am I.
I love her so much and I wanna try but I dont feel like doing anything.
I haven't washed my hair in 8 days.
My room is a disaster, my bin has flies, my clothes are everywhere to which I cant tell what is dirty or clean, a wig full of hair scattered on my floor and my bed has crumbs and mess on it.

I have test coming up, I have cxc coming up next 2 months which will determine the subjects I can chose for my future but I fucked up ALL....Including english and art..

I mop around alm day doing jack shit except washing the dishes, on my phone and taking care of my bunny.

I found a boy..he's sweet...but my mom.
I cant date yet but I never felt so special.
Those 2 friends I have aswell but they have their own issues so I cant burden them.
That one friend of mine who accidentaly joked about my r*pe but she said sorry.

Im doing mock exams and so far Im getting under 20 in each one.. worse than last year.

Im sorry mama I wish I could have done it. I just want you to hold me and shush me to sleep and tuck me into bed... but it breaks my heart worse when you see me cry. So I stay in my room...keeping you safe from all your worries.

My Life☠️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя