"And he is part of the V's. His lover is Vox, and they have a third known as Velvet. She is an ignorant, disrespectful girl," Carmilla added. "Not really worth your time if you can stay away from them. I tend to keep my distance. A lot of the overlords do. Unless it has to deal with television, social media, or fashion, no one bothers with them. They are all like wildcards." I slowly sat the drink down on the counter. It seemed like if I wanted to get to Valentino, I extra opposition. I loved the odds of a three to one. It added more fairness to their side. 

"Interesting," was all I said. I handed off my glass to Carmilla. "You may like this." 

Her eyes on me were calculative as she took the drink. I felt the curiosity that vibrated off of her. She must have guessed that I had some idea brewing in my head. My attention turned back to Husker as she took her fill. 

"Do you know anyone named Sir Pentious or Cherry bomb? We are looking for either of them." Husker's whiskers twitched at the names. 

"Sir Pentious? That fucking idiot? What do you need him for?" 

"Cherry bomb?" Angel's voice spoke up from behind me. "She's not here right now. What'dya need her for?" I turned back to Angel first. 

"No real reason on my part. My counterpart, however, wants to see them." I motioned toward Carmilla. The woman in question finished my drink and stood. 

"Those two idiots decided to gun down my door during their little crossfire. I want them to pay for the damages." That was the nicest way I heard someone say that they wanted to bash their heads in. Angel shrugged and retook his seat at the bar. 

"No idea where Cherry is. Pentious might be somewhere upstairs." Carmilla took that note and walked off. 

"Do not leave without me," she muttered back to me. 

"Would never dream of it," I confirmed to her retreating figure. She was fast as she walked away. My attention turned back to the two next to me. "So," I continued. "You deal with this Valentino guy?" Angel stiffened at the name. His attention turned very sharply toward me. He looked traumatized. A frown tugged on my lips. I hated to see it. 

"I hate that fucker," Angel viperously hissed. "He deserves fucked by a nailed dildo and then shot up with a tommy gun filled with shrapnel." I hummed. The idea was rather vivid. 

"Well," I pulled out a little card with my name and address on it. "If you ever needed help, I might be able to get you out of it." Angel eyed me warily as he took the card. "I deal in secrets, and I can find a loophole in every contract. But it always comes with a price." 

"I already sold my soul," Angel grumbled. 

"I don't always need your soul to make a deal. Really, it can be anything of equal or greater value. Husker can attest. I always make good on my promises. The moment you need me to do something for you, I can make it happen overnight." Angel's pink diamonds glanced at Husker. The cat slowly nodded. 

"She has been known to be feared amongst most overlords. They used to pay her heavily just to keep a secret a secret from the world." 

"And you've broken contracts before for people?" 

"Not without a price," I agreed. "But I have done so many times. You would be surprised at how simple it can be. Overlords are still human souls. Humans are prone to mistakes, me included." 

"Why help me?" The spider asked. 

"I have been gone for a longtime Angel. And now that I am back, I want everyone to remember why I was worth fearing in the first place. I have a purpose here, and Valentino is the unlucky soul I am after right now. If you want this, consider it done. In fact, you would be helping me in this case. Let me know." I left it at that. Something akin to hope lit up in those pink diamonds. His mouth opened to comment but was interrupted by a loud crash. I guessed that Carmilla had found her target. 

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