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Sorry for not uploading, but I'm to busy with studying! I hope you like this chapter!!!

Thoughts:"What does he want from me at this hour?"

This time I picked up, I'm kinda nervous. What is he going to say?

Phone call:


Stephen:" ..... Hey Sahra."

Then It was silent, no-one talked.

Me:"Stephen, do you wanna say something?"

Stephen:"Oh yeah, sorry. Is everything okay with you or are there some problems?"

Me:"No, why are you asking?"

Stephen:"I have a bad feeling, can we meet and talk?"

Me:"Now? It's midnight!"

Stephen:"I will come to you and then we can talk in my car, so nobody hears us."

Me:"Okay then, I will wait."

Stephen:"I'm on my way."

Thoughts:"What will he say, something about what happened at Layla's Birthday?"

Stephen's Thoughts:"I think it's time to tell her the truth."

..............15 minutes later............

I went outside with my pijamas on, but I wore my coat, it is really cold outside. I saw his car, so I went to him.

Me(nervous):"Hey Stephen."

Stephen:"Hey Sahra, sorry that I'm coming so late."

Me:"It's okay, I wasn't asleep anyways."

Stephen:"So, there is something I have to talk about with you."

Stephen's Thoughts:"How should I ask her?"

Stephen:"I noticed, that our contact isn't the same as before, can you tell me why?"

Me:"I know, sorry for ignoring you this days. I was angry and I still am!"

Stephen:"But why, what did I do?"

Thoughts:"I think I have to tell him how I'm feeling right now and everything about Bella."

Me:"Are you cheating on me?"

He was shocked to hear something like that, but isn't it obvious."

Stephen:"What makes you think that?"

Me:"I'm going to tell you, but you have to hear me out first and then you can say something! Okay?"


Me:"So first of all, someone told me, you had another date on Valentine'sDay after our dinner.

Secondly you lied to me about that Bella made a joke, she didn't even make one.

And at Layla's Party, I was waiting for you, but you didn't come back. 'You', were hugging Bella! That's why I was sad and gone already,! So explain everything please!"

Silent again

He didn't know what to say and just looked at the ground. Then he grabbed my hand and looked at me again.

Stephen:"I'm so sorry for giving you this feeling, but I only love you Sahra! Yeah on Valentine'sDay I met her, but as a friend. We're bestfriends, sorry I didn't tell you that. And also sorry for lying, I didn't mean to do it, it just happened!"

Me:"Why didn't you just tell me, all the time I had bad feelings and now you're telling me this. Does she even know I'm your girlfriend?"

Stephen:"Yes of course she knows that, why?"

Me;"She always gives me dirty looks and always ignores me."

Stephen:"That's her character, but she has a thought time right now, so she needs some support or time for herself alone."

Me:"Why, what happened?"

Stephen:"Sorry I can't tell you, you have to ask her, I promised not to tell anyone."

Me:"Okay I will try, but we can't have secrets Steph. I'm in a time where I have to find myself again and to control my dizziness. I don't want everyone to know, you're the only person."

Stephen:"I understand Sahra, but what do you mean with having secrets?"

Me:"I can't tell you, I'm sorry but there's something else too."

Stephen:"Does she have secrets? Oh I'm driving a car, I have to focus where I'm driving."

Now he wanted me to reply, but I got nervous.

Thoughts:"How should I tell him?"

Me:"I think we need a break from eachother, for good! But we still can be friends."

Stephen:"You're joking, I don't need a break! Sahra, how should I......

Stephen's Thoughts:"She wants to break up?"

He was really sad, I could see it, but I need some time to think about myself and everything I heard now.

Me:"Stephen, don't be mad please! We can still meet eachother, but not as a couple, as friends!"

Stephen:" I don't know if I can live like that!"

I looked outside the window, but it was too dark, so I couldn't see anything.

Me:"Stephen, where are we and do you even know this road?"

Stephen:"Oh shoot!"

And then the only thing I could here was," Sahra, oh no what did I do" and then everything went black!

To be continued ...........

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