Chapter 02

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Queen Inko Midoriya POV

I walked into my study thinking hard, not much would make Izuku want to talk to me in private as he usually turned to his advisors for help when he was worried about something. That meant whatever was going on was highly personal and he was asking me for help which meant it was most likely a woman problem. I wonder if he was going to ask for permission to mate with that blood pet he brought back, she acted nice but I could hear a slight roll of her tongue that meant she has a major attitude. Oh well. Izuku has always liked fiery females and she's the feistiest I've ever seen him go after, maybe she'll be able to whip his vampyre tequila ass into shape. I walked over to the fireplace and placed a kettle of water on the fire to boil, I had a feeling Izuku was going to need some tea to calm himself and I had just gotten a fresh shipment of green tea from the vampyre community of Kyoto in the human world's Japan.

Izuku knocked on the door just as the kettle whistled. "Come in." I called as I walked over to pour some of the water into a mug with the green tea powder.

Izuku walked in and closed the door looking nervous. "May I help you with that Mother?" He asked politely.

"No thank you. Sit down and get ready to talk, I know whatever you're worried about is important but personal if you want to talk in private." I said.

I heard Izuku sit down as I finished making my green tea, I straightened and turned around to face my eldest son. "Would you like some green tea or mint tea Izuku?" I asked.

He shifted position uncomfortably. "Green tea please Mother." He answered.

I noticed that he was erect as I turned back around but I refrained from mentioning it knowing that he would deal with his needs when he was ready and all I would do by drawing attention to it is embarrass him, I knew from experience that if he was embarrassed about a personal need he would ignore it for as long as physically possible and I didn't want any of my children to be in discomfort.

I finished making Izuku's green tea and walked over and handed it to him, he took it with a shaking hand and I knew something was either seriously wrong or he was exhausted and highly aroused. He immediately took a drink and purred with satisfaction as I grabbed my green tea and sat at my desk. "I don't know how you make such good green tea Mother." He said before taking another drink.

I smiled kindly at him and took a drink of my own green tea. "What's wrong Izuku?" I asked.

He looked down at his tea. "Something is wrong, I don't know what but I've never felt anything like this." He said worriedly.

"Why don't you start with why you think something is wrong?" I probed gently.

He took another drink of his tea. "I've been dealing with simmering arousal for weeks but when I smelt Katsuki's blood it skyrocketed, I'm feeling overprotective of her and I'm not usually like that for any female, I nearly snapped when the auctioneer at the auction broke her wrist, I wanted to kill the people who brought her to the stage for kicking her feet out from under her, I wanted to pin her against the wall in the elevator and fuck her mercilessly and I couldn't help but ask her how many times she's had sex when I got into the elevator with her. It's unusual and uncomfortable for me to be this consumed by a woman and I don't know what to do to fix the problem." He explained.

I sighed. "You're in Thrall Izuku." I said.

"In Thrall? What does that mean?" He asked.

"It's kind of like an insatiable lust for our fated, every vampire goes through it during the summer once they've met their fated and it only starts once they've met their fated if a male vampire is over 21 and a female is over 18. Only a vampire's fated can satisfy their Thrall and it takes at least 12 hours of sex then a feeding of the vampire's fated to satisfy it." I explained.

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