what does Twilight think?

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it was one morning, Twilight was in the center of the castle, thinking about everything she has done for Equestria and keeping them safe, but there is something she has thought too much about these days

she is with spike, cleaning, nothing surprises, he notices how strange Twilight is, decides to ask

— Twilight? Since we locked up cozy glow, you've been kind of weird... Ik it hurt you that one of your star students ended up being a traitor, but you cant let the worry stay in you—

The little dragon states, waiting for a response from the princess, finally the alicorn sighs and says with anguish

—Yes, spike, but i've been thinking a lot, how can a girl like her, so small and cute, do things like that? I cant understand.... We have defeated villains like discord, lord tirek, starlight, tempest.... Or even king sombra... But...—

Before she could finish, the little dragon interrupts her before expressing what she wants

—But you don't have to worry, Cozy won't be a problem any...—

—Spike! Listen to me please... I-i dont mean that I'm afraid of her coming back what im trying to say is that I feel like instead of locking her up we should have done something else... idk... help her

The purple and green dragon is surprised by what Twilight said, he wants to believe that he misunderstood, but in the end she is the princess, she surely knows what to do

—Wdym, twilight?—

—Set cozy free—

A long silence, quite uncomfortable if you ask me, no one says anything about it, the alicorn decides to break the silence once and for all

—Im the princess of friendship, my job is to expand it wherever i go, many villains had the opportunity to change, how about we give it to Cozy?—

—What if she refuses, Twilight? I dont think she wants to after everything she did....—

—Shes a child, unlike other villains who are adults, it may be easier to make a child change for the better...But, i think i should tell the princesses about this... and idk if they agree—

The princess is a little nervous, shes not sure if her plans are going to turn out well, or even if the princesses do not agree with the decision she wants to make, but shes a child, what can happen?

—I'll be with you twilight!—

he says once again, before leaving the castle and going to her friends before the start


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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