Trigger Revelations

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Gempa looks at Fang, who shows a sincere look as well as Yaya, Ying and Gopal behind him giving a smile which makes the leader sigh and let out a small smile

"We're sorry as well for making so much trouble. You guys can be mad at us, but please don't be mad at our owner, he really wants to tell all of you but we stop him. Tok Aba was an exception, of course" said Gempa
"We will try our best then" said Ochobot smiles
"Gelap... It's okay... They are our Boboiboy's friends and partners for every TAPOPS mission. You might be confused by all of this, but I can assure you that they didn't mean harm"

The dark elemental who sees Gempa showing a sincere look quickly looks back to the friends that he mentions but the memory of them attacking him plays with him so he takes a step back as he lets out some dark powers around his hands. Yaya noticed it and quickly let Fang take a step behind

"I think Gelap is still scared of us since we attacked him. I think he needs time to properly trust us" said Yaya
"You're right Yaya. It's okay Gelap that you still feel uneasy with us around and I'm sorry for attacking you earlier. I hope you can be at ease with us after this!" said Ying smiling

Fang walked closer to Gelap as the dark elemental just got so scared. He looked around and saw the wind elemental near him so he quickly hugged Taufan's body. Taufan let him as he patted his back gently and seconds later, Fang bowed to Gelap

"I'm sorry for hitting you. I got very impatient earlier" said Fang
"So you're the one who attacks first. Hm! Figures" said Halilintar unhappy
"Well, sorry, because he will not talk at all!"
"That's one of Gelap's traits... He's very quiet and never speaks. He even didn't talk to any of us and just used body language" said Taufan
"The only times he will let out his voice will be when he uses his powers" said Blaze as he hug Gelap
"I see... Boboiboy really needs to explain a lot" said Fang sighs
"We can explain some of Gelap's facts on the way back. Tok Aba should be worried right now" said Gempa

It took a few seconds of silence until everybody realized that it was already very late for them to be outside

"Ah!" shout all of them except the elementals




Time Skip~

"YOU KNEW ALL ALONG!?" shout Amato to his certain robot partner
"Hehehe" laugh Mechabot

All of them are now on their way home after the whole ordeal and the elementals told them that they would fuse back to normal inside the house because Gelap did defend himself so they are scared that maybe Boboiboy got too exhausted.

Mechabot who was silent the whole time when the elementals explained to the others, actually knew about Gelap for two days now. That fact, of course, made Amato angry since he kept it from him

"Sorry Amato, Gempa and Solar explained the situation to me and that's why I can't tell anyone. Gempa also told me about the trigger, so I might as well let the elementals explain themselves" said Mechabot as he gave a peace sign
"You told Mechabot, but you didn't tell me?!" asked Ochobot slightly angry
"More like Mechabot found out by accident" said Solar as he held his forehead





Boboiboy let out Gempa, Blaze, Thorn, Solar and Gelap together and they are all now in Boboiboy's room. Gempa and Solar are now talking about some data on Boboiboy's laptop. Blaze is watching an animation from Boboiboy's phone while Thorn and Gelap were playing some board game for a while until Thorn stood up

"Umm...Gempa, can I go to the backyard? I want to see the plants and maybe take some weeds out" said Thorn to Gempa
"Hmmm I think it's fine. Tok Aba should be taking a bath right now, but be fast, okay? We don't want Boboiboy's father to see us now" said Gempa

Gelap who sees this, stands up as he holds onto Thorn's arm. Thorn gets surprised and he can't help but blush seeing Gelap's cute look. Gempa who sees this can only sigh as he pats Gelap's head

"Of course you can join him, Gelap. Just be careful if someone finds out about you. Remember what we said? Don't attack and just hide" said Gempa serious

The dark elemental nodded to him and both elementals quickly went out to the backyard. As they look at the plants, Thorn is still happy as Gelap holds onto his arm which shows that Gelap has trusted him

"Gelap... Thank you" said Thorn in a low voice

The elemental beside him got surprised by Thorn's words but stayed to listen to him

"Thank you for believing and trusting me. I was heartbroken at first when you were still scared, but now you hug me like you always did to Gempa" said Thorn happily

Gelap can't help but blush as he smiles at the green elemental as he hugs him even tighter. Before they do anything else, suddenly someone shouts behind them

"Boboiboy! What are you doing here?! When did you split up?!"

The voice surprised Gelap so much and he quickly used his powers to hide right under Thorn. Thorn looks behind him and surprisingly, the voice is from Amato's partner, Mechabot. The green elemental got surprised and also confused on how to explain this

"Ah um... Well..." said Thorn as he look away
"Hm? Who's that elemental right now? You unlock a new elemental?!" asked Mechabot surprised as he flew closer
"Oh shoot... Okay, Mechabot, you need to come with me right now! Gelap, go to our room"

Gelap let his head out of the dark hole and nodded as he quickly teleported inside while Thorn quickly pulled Mechabot inside as well and went to Boboiboy's room



Few moments later

"So that's how it is... I understand" said Mechabot nodded

Gempa and Solar manage to explain everything to Mechabot while the rest of the elementals with Gelap as they try to calm him down.

"Are you sure not to tell the others?" asked Mechabot confused
"For now... Yes, but Gelap already made progress in not attacking you. So we might be able to introduce him to the others in a short time" said Solar proudly as he looked at the dark elemental
"I see, all of you are all being very careful"
"Of course... We have some histories of an elemental who has problems with Boboiboy's friends after all" said Gempa as he sighs remembering some memories

Mechabot then nodded and helped them keep Gelap a secret until Boboiboy himself properly introduced Gelap to the others

Back to reality




Boboiboy's friends slightly understand, while Amato just gives the red robot a smack on the head. After hearing about the explanation, they continued to walk back

Darkness FeelingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora