I Couldn't Say No To The King

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Hi! I've been a reader for a long time but recently decided to give writing a try. Mainly for practice. What better way than to write about one of your favourite movies and characters?

1114 words. I hope you enjoy!


"Tommy, did you take my nutcracker?" Clara grabs Tommy by the shoulders.

She woke up and he was gone. It all felt like a horrible dream. One moment she was with him, they defeated the Mouse King, danced together, celebrated, and the next she was in her grandfather's parlour. 

"Why would I want him? He's just a hunk of wood."

"You're wrong! He's really a king. An evil mouse was ruling his land. The mouse had a bat-"

"What's all this foolishness?" Grandfather Drosselmeyer asks, "Perhaps I should send for a doctor."

"And this is where I grew up." They hear Aunt Elizabeth before they see her.

"Aunt Elizabeth, have you seen my... Nutcracker?" In front of her stands Eric.

"Look who I ran into while I was taking my morning stroll. Uncle Drosselmeyer, Clara, Tommy, this is Eric. The son of a dear friend of mine."

"I'm very happy to..." He takes her hand, "Meet you," and kisses the back of it.

"Such familiarity. In my day, we would never have-" Her grandfather starts to say as Aunt Elizabeth cuts him off.

"I've taken the liberty of asking Eric to stay for Christmas dinner."

"But, this is a most -"

"Wonderful idea!" Clara interjects.

Grandfather looks a bit disgruntled. "Hump... I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have the young man stay for supper," and he leaves.

Aunt Elizabeth grabs Tommy by the arm and drags him out of the room as he complains about not being able to open the presents. 

Eric takes her hand and places a cold object in it. When he withdraws his hand she sees the locket.

 "May I have this dance?" Eric holds out his hand as she clasps the necklace around her neck.

"I couldn't say no to the king," Clara smiles and places her hand in his.

He guides her into a dance to music only the two of them hear.

"How did you get here?" Clara wonders while smiling dreamily up at him.

"Your aunt, she helped me find you. I couldn't leave right away but Captain Candy is holding the fort down," He tells her with a smile, "let's hope Major Mint doesn't find out I'm missing. They're currently trying to locate the Mouse. I thought I lost you... Luckily I remembered Elizabeth used to travel between our worlds and found a way with less snow. Elizabeth was a friend of my father's. I remember watching them dance at a few balls, she used the same line as you on my father."He chuckles.

"Did you really run in to her this morning?" 

"Yes, believe it or not. I ended up on your doorstep just as she opened the door. It surprised both of us. She was on her way out for a walk and asked me to accompany her, asking me what happened and if the Mouse had been defeated. I told her how you broke the spell and that we are looking for him. Hopefully, we can locate him before he decides to retaliate," He says worriedly.

"You are the rightful king. I'm sure you'll find him, besides, there's nothing he can do now," She tries to encourage him.

He stares lovingly at her, "Will you come back with me, and be my queen?"

"I gave my answer in Parthenia but I'll gladly give it again, I'd love to," she smiles, "However, we need to get through this dinner first. It might be strange if I suddenly left, Grandfather will not be happy... How will we tell them of Parthenia?"

"Leave it to me, I have an idea," they smile at each other, the dancing already long forgotten.

Elizabeth walks in and tells them that Eric has to take his leave now so that he can join them for dinner later and that Clara needs to get ready. The two part with the promise of seeing each other for dinner.


As Eric leaves, Elizabeth tries to get her niece alone long enough to ask what happened between the two of them and Clara ends up telling her how Eric asked her to be his queen. Elizabeth is ecstatic and thinking of ways to convince her uncle that the two are made for each other while leaving Clara to get ready.

This morning when Elizabeth saw Eric on the other side of the door, she had quite a fright. It's funny how she hoped Clara would be the one breaking the spell but didn't expect Eric to be there just yet.  She's really glad she made the right choice. She always knew Clara was special, even as a child, destined for great things. Parthenia would thrive with Clara and Eric as their rulers. 

Eric grew up quickly since his mother's passing, and Elizabeth felt sorry for the child. He lost his father shortly after his mother, as his father's sorrow was so great that he fell into denial and depression. He became ill soon after and entrusted the kingdom to that wretched Mouse of an adviser. 

Elizabeth always wondered if the carefree facade Eric put on was to comfort himself or his father. His father was blinded by grief and didn't see the pain and understanding in his own child's eyes, therefore didn't think him a stable enough choice for the kingdom. 

Eric has clearly since demonstrated that he is an excellent choice for king. Clara has demonstrated kindness and bravery like no other and would compliment Eric as his queen.

The main obstacle was convincing Clara's grandfather that she should marry Eric. Tonight, at dinner, Elizabeth would put her plan into motion.  Right now, however, she should get ready, so that the evening can start. 


In the meantime, Clara was quite calm. She had gotten dressed, refreshed and was combing her hair. She couldn't wait for dinner. She wondered what would transpire.

She hoped Eric wouldn't be late, and wondered if he went back to Parthenia to get ready and if not, where he was.

She caught her reflection in the mirror and saw a soft smile gracing her features.' Would Eric ask grandfather for my hand? What would he say?

Clara got up from her seat, leaving her room and descended the stairs. Just as she entered the parlor, the doorbell rang.

' Eric is here, ' she thought.


Thank you for reading! It hasn't been proofed yet. Please feel free to leave feedback!
Remember: Be kind, clever and brave like the Sugarplum princess!

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