History repeats

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Six years after the banishment, now U see I was sent to rule help at only 16 years which my dad said was a supposedly good age to rule.
Well I was ruling it since I was 16 so I have immortality which means if I look like a 16 year old then I still look like a sixteen year old now
And I have been ruling hell for aeons,So why not take a break from ruling

And I landed on earth ( yeah,I do have wings)

It was possibly bad enough for me to come down to earth but I had brought my fellow demon , yes u heard that right I brought another demon down with me, well meet Alexandra Lameime
She is basically very good at torturing...people.

'Hey Alexa, How's the bar going? Any people for favors?" I ask while looking at the crowd behind me
And i own a bar at Las Vegas and Alexandra helps me run it well a lot of humans come here even demon's if they find me
I do favors also but...They need to kill someone for me for that
And mostly very desperate or well renowned people come to me

"Well, one is right there, behind" she points behind me
"Hey sweetheart, what favor u need?" Before leaving with that guy i look back and wink at Alexandra
She blows a kiss back
I smirk and went to the dude in black

"Umm, Silena Beauragerd,was it?" he asked while putting his hand on my thigh
"Yes,And what your favor? Do remember u have to kill someone for me" I saw and put my hand on his face
"Anything for u sweetheart" the dude says and puts his lips on top of mine
After some time we pull back

"Well, my favour is could u please grant me unlimited girls can I have as many as girlfriends as i want?'
"And who do u plan to kill for me?" I ask him
"Anybody in this world" He says pointing to everyone in the room
"Well,ur the only one who I am killing, i hope my demon's take care of u" After I said that i pull him up from his collar and drag him to our basement

I take a baseball bat and hit his face until I have blood all over me
I go into the bathroom to get cleaned up when I hear screaming outside of the basement

I go outside and see a young girl panicking over the dead body of him
I come closer to the girl and manipulate her mind ( that is one of my powers) and say these words " U didn't see anything, U just saw a baseball bat lying alone, forget u ever saw me or this body"

" After she hears this she automatically leaves the room and i see Alexandra behind her
" Please take care of him, Alexa"
" Yes,my lady"

I go out the door to see someone familiar.


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