Phone Calls

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After changing into some more comfortable clothes and making a cup of hot chocolate, you slump back into your sofa. Glancing at the time, you consider whether it's too late to make a phone call. Oh well, you're sure he'll forgive you anyway.

The phone rings several times before the call finally connects, "Nanami! I was afraid you wouldn't answer."

You can hear a sigh on the other end of the line before Nanami's voice comes through, sounding slightly annoyed but still concerned, "(Y/N), do you realize what time it is? What's so urgent that you had to call me in the middle of the night?"

"Gojo and I went on our date and it was actually really nice!" You explain to him as you stir your drink with a spoon, "I don't know... I feel kind of bad for doubting him. He was really sweet and all."

There's a moment of silence on the other end as Nanami processes your words. Then, he lets out another sigh, this time somewhat exasperated.

"I'm glad to hear that your date went well," Nanami says with a hint of resignation in his voice, "But you need to remember that Gojo is not exactly known for always being 'sweet and all.' He has a reputation for being... Unpredictable with these kinds of things."

He pauses briefly before continuing more gently, "Just make sure you proceed with caution, okay? Keep your emotions guarded until you're absolutely certain about his intentions."

"You really think he could be using me? You were all for this date yesterday, you know?" You remind him, feeling a tinge of irritation at the man's contradiction, "Saying to give him the benefit of the doubt."

His voice softens as he responds, concern evident in his voice, "I can't say for certain what Gojo's intentions are, (Y/N). He's a complex individual with his own agenda and motivations," He hesitates for a moment before continuing, choosing his words carefully, "But I will say this, Gojo has never shown interest in anyone the way he has with you. There is something different about the way he treats you compared to others."

"You think so?"

"Yes," Nanami continues thoughtfully, "Just be cautious and take things slow. Don't let your guard down completely until you're sure that his feelings are genuine."

"You're right. Well.... Either way it was a good night," You say into the phone as soft smile plays on your lips, "Sorry for waking you."

"I'm glad to hear that it was a good night for you. And no need to apologize for waking me up. I'm always here if you need someone to talk to," Pausing for a moment, he adds in a more lighthearted tone, "Just try not to make calling me at 2am a habit, okay?"

"You got it. Have a good night, Nanami."

"Goodnight, (Y/N)," He replies before the line goes silent.

Just as Nanami is drifting back to sleep his phone begins buzzing again. He groans softly, reaching for his phone and answering the call with a slightly irritated tone, "Gojo, it's almost 2 in the morning. What do you want?"

Gojo's voice is filled with amusement as he speaks, clearly not taking Nanami's irritation seriously, "Just wanted to catch up, buddy! Does it always have to be business with you?" He teases before his tone turns more excited.

"You wanted to catch up at 2am?"

Completely ignoring Nanami's question, he explains, "Anyway...  About that date with (Y/N)," His voice takes on a strange pitch, something between excitement and nervousness that isn't typical of Gojo's normal easy-going attitude, "It was pretty nice."

Nanami groans into the phone, eager to get back to sleep, "Just get to the point, Gojo."

"Alright, alright, no need to be so grumpy," Gojo laughs lightly at his impatience before his tone becomes more serious, "The point is... I think I really like (Y/N). And honestly, it scares the hell out of me."

A sigh comes through from the other line, "Let me guess, you're afraid of getting attached?"

"Isn't that a possibility?" The white-haired man's voice is a quiet murmur, almost unheard over the line. He exhales sharply and it sounds like he's torn between wanting to embrace these new feelings and his inherent fear of being vulnerable.

"Yeah," Gojo finally admits after a moment of silence, "Is it so wrong to be scared of something you've never felt before?"

"You are quite the enigma, aren't you?" Nanami asks before letting out a dry chuckle, "The day when you actually feel like you need someone. Never thought I saw that day coming."

Gojo laughs at that, but there's a certain edge to it, as if he's trying to mask the nervousness in his voice.

"I know, right? Scary stuff," He admits with false amusement, "But... (Y/N) is just different, y'know? There's something about her... She makes me feel things I never thought were possible," There's a moment of silence before Gojo continues. His voice has taken on an earnest tone when he speaks again, "I really care about her, Nanami."

"So, you're in love," Nanami replies nonchalantly as if it was a simple answer, "I thought you would be the last person to fall for someone."

Gojo lets out a laugh, though it holds a note of surprise. His voice has an uncharacteristic sense of wonder to it, "Love? Is that what this is?" He's silent for a moment before he chuckles again, sounding pleased, "Who would've thought the great Satoru Gojo capable of falling in love... Strange times we're living in."

"The man who has no need for others falling in love. What an ironic twist of events," Nanami muses aloud before asking, "Do you feel the need to be around her all the time? Do you feel nervous near her?"

The white-haired man pauses at that, considering Nanami's words. He laughs after a moment before admitting, "Yes and yes. Is it supposed to feel like this?" Gojo's voice is filled with confusion as he tries to understand his own feelings, "You'd think for someone who has been around as long as I have, I'd know if I was in love."

"Yes, that is normal," Nanami explains, "Those are the exact symptoms of being in love. You are completely infatuated with (Y/N)'s existence, aren't you?"

This causes Gojo to give pause, admitting with a newfound seriousness in his voice, "I... Yeah. You could say that. Never thought I'd hear myself say something like this out loud, but yeah, I think I'm completely infatuated with (Y/N)."

"It's very like you to fall so hard and fast," A quiet chuckle sounds from the speaker of Gojo's phone, "I can't say I'm surprised."

"Thanks for listening to me ramble, Nanami. Now go get some sleep. You're gonna need it if you have to deal with my love-struck ass all day tomorrow," Gojo says lightheartedly.

"One last thing," Nanami speaks up before Gojo disconnects the call, "I thought you'd like to know that (Y/N) just called me before you did. She mentioned how she had a great night and talked about how sweet you are."

Gojo's voice softens, a fond smile crossing his face, "She... She did?"

He sounds almost taken aback by the compliment, however, he feels even more pleased.

"Wow," Gojo chuckles lightly, an unusual sort of happiness lacing his words as he speaks them aloud, "Damn, I must've done something right then. Thanks again Nanami! Have sweet dreams about your boring office work."

Nanami's eyeroll can almost be heard through the call as he replies sarcastically, "I will. Goodnight, Gojo."

"Night, buddy!" He ends the call, playing with his phone casually as he digests this new information.

Lying in bed that night, Gojo stares at the ceiling, his smile widening as he thinks about (Y/N), the memories of your time together, shared laughter, and stargazing replaying like a movie reel in his mind. A hushed chuckle escapes him as he feels a sense of warmth spread through his chest.

"Who knew?" He murmurs to himself under his breath, "That I'd fall for someone so fiercely."

It wasn't something he had ever planned or expected... But truth be told, it wasn't all that bad either.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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