04 : upsetting

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Ariana's POV

"Hey girl, glad you could make it" Skylar called out pulling me in for a hug

"hi, thanks for having me! tell your dad I say congratulations." I exclaim hugging him back

Skylar went to go greet some more guests, leaving me alone to wander around. Just then I get a text from my phone. Checking it I see Isaac messaging me letting me know he had just arrived. I look over by the entrance to see the Walter's walk in. I walk over to them saying hi to Katherine and George before going up to Isaac.

"Hi, Ari!"

"ari?" I look up shocked by the nickname

"not that it's bad or anything, just shocking" i immediately followed up with not wanting him to get the wrong idea.

"good, i'm glad that we're close enough to where I can call you by a nickname." Isaac responded

"you wanna get something to drink?" Isaac asked pointing at the counter where Kiley was.

"sure why not" i shrug


Isaac and I have been hanging out the entire time at the grand opening. We were talking with Skylar and Kiley at the counter when Alex walked over

"hi. excuse me miss, is like to speak to the manager. The service here is atrocious" Alex joked placing his tray down

"you're literally wearing a lark apron" i chuckled

"and you use that line when i work at monty's" Kiley added on

"you'd think a new venue might encourage new material" she sassed leaving Alex at a lose for words

"how come there was never a you and Kiley?" Skylar asked after she left

"me and kiley?" Alex reiterated

"yeah, how come?" I asked leaning closer to hear Alex

"uh, I've known her since we were in kindergarten"


"she's like... Kiley" Alex states before walking off

"she's like Kiley?! what does that mean?" Skylar exclaimed looking at Isaac and me

"i don't know. Then again the only girl he's ever liked is Paige so..." I pointed out earning a nod from Skylar

"if it's worth anything, Alex told me that he likes Jackie-"

"WHAT?!" Skylar and I whip our heads toward Isaac in shock

"you're serious" Skylar questioned

"yeah, i thought you guys would've known" Isaac replied

"now that i think about it, it's pretty obvious" I point out

"but, i thought Jackie had a thing for Cole" i wondered

"HUH?!" now I was being the one being stared at

"it's just an assumption calm down" I jokingly roll my eyes


"She hates me"

"She doesn't hate you" Alex and Isaac had come over to my locker to talk to me about Jackie. Well, Alex came over to talk to me, Isaac just tagged along I guess.

"I should've done it when i had the chance" Alex whined leaning against the locker next to me

"what, kissed her?" I say semi distracted while cleaning out my locker since it was the day before thanksgiving break.

all because of the new girl || isaac garciaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat