𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓1. 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈

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I sit on my bed waiting for viv or enzo to come she texted both of them needing someone to talk to, she was overthinking as she normally does and little miss perfect couldnt fuck up her act infront of anyone else but the two people who understood her 

A knock on my window to my suprise its enzo, it was never a suprise to see him hear first he could drop anything just to listen to me i liked that about him but i couldnt let him know that 

I crawl out my bed in my tiny shorts and tube top hoping to get a compliment about somthing like i normally do that i could smile about.i open the window and smile, he smiles back everything feels okay now that hes hear 

He towers over me and kisses me on the head 'whats up love' he sits on my bed and stares at me as to say to sit down next to him

I walk over and sit i couldnt help but to just cry and lay my head on his chest 'what happend love we can sort this out i just need u to tell me what happend' i felt him touch my thighs stroking them as i spoke 'i fell like im going insane again enzo like im going to do somthing really stupid that i know ill regret but i wont care when i do it'

He nods his head listening to me while playing with my hair 'its gonna be okay love im always gonna be hear for you  and so is viv i wont let u do anything stupid okay ?' I knew things were getting worse for me but i just thought drinking would help but it never did  and i just got worse and i think he could tell 

'Mhm' i say scratching at my  arms getting distracted in my thoughts i still felt his touch and thats all that i needed right now in that moment 

'Love ?' I hear him say in his soft voice 'yes enzo' i say still zoned out 'ur scratching ur arms are u ok' he grabbed my hands and started stroking them 

'Yes yes im fine its late u should go what if viv thin-' he cuts me off 'viv wont think nothing she knows im either with u or out im older than her love u dont have to worry' he always reassured me everything was going to be okay and put my mind at ease 

He layed  down as i still sat at the end of my bed he tapped his chest for me to lay down next to him and that's exactly what i did he stroked my hair and we kept talking he praised me for being pretty and not talking to other boys and i asked how his dad was or how many times he had crashed his motorbike that week 

Me and enzo had and understanding that i was his we just never talked about it

I felt my eyes getting heavier as he talked until i felt myself drifting off i felt him kiss my forehead and his touch remained there  

𝑬𝒏𝒛𝒐𝒔 𝒑𝒐𝒗:

'Love ?' I said she had fallen asleep i kissed her forehead and carried on stroking her hair how could one look so perfect she was only sleeping after all 

Her hair perfectly laid over her bed i never told viv where i was going she couldnt know 

She always knew i had a thing for stella but i just never admited it but she had an understanding she was mine and i was hers 

I liked giving her nicknames since we were little she liked it i could see her big smile and how her cheeks would get flushed everytime i said it to her it was like a kink to her and i liked seeing her flustered 

We had a thing in summer where we would fuck and she would leave and we never said it happend but we knew. she looked good squirming and begging me to stop but its not like that anymore and i respect that. I respect her.

'Goodnight mi vida i love u' i say closing my eyes to go asleep until i finally drift off

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒕 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 10:36𝒂𝒎

I wake up on enzo hes still asleep and i knew if i woke him up he would do somthing i cant tell if i would want it again or if it would confuse me i roll out of bed and go downstairs 

'hey mumm' i hug her 'hey sweetie whos upstairs.. enzo?' There was a long pause before i spoke again she knew i liked him and she also knew he liked me 'yes how did u guess' she smiled and ignored my question

I crossed my arms wanting to go wake up enzo i scrunched my face up and drank my smoothie my mum had handed me earlier 

A tall figure towerd behind me 'Goodmorning love' he kissed my forhead again my mum stared at us like he had just railed me 

' hey miss everwood' he said grinning 'so whats going on with the nicknames kiddo' she sat on the kitchen counter like she was 16 again trying to get all the gossip 'you know she loves it' he winks at me 'i give a face of disgust as he runs his fingers through my hair 'how many fights have u gotten into this week e' she said glaring at us both 'only 3 actually'  i interup before he can say the actual number 'sure sure princess' 

I stand up and look up at him 'time for u to go before u start saying how many girls u have railed' he laughs 'we all know ur the only girl id rail...again' he whispers sending butterflys through my whole body 'shut it gomezz' he hated being called gonezz he says its old fashioned and weird 

He gives me a look before i go on my tip-toes to kiss him a little on the lips 'dont do anything i wouldnt do gomezz' he rolled his eyes and muttered 'call me gomezz again and ill make u regret it ' i smile at the thought of last summer until i hear him shout 'wipe that smile of ur face love' 

I flipp him off and slam the door as my mum appears out of no where  ' so what was that all about' i snarl her as i say in a quiet tone 'were just friends' 'sure and im married to chad Michael murray' she shouted up as i ran upstairs to think about last night even more  

𝑴𝒚 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓.Where stories live. Discover now