Chapter 7: Place of Safety

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The short but soft notes of piano keys plinking pulled you from your slumber. You lifted your head from its place on Changbin's bicep, searching for the source of the music. The bathroom door had a Key in the wood. Beyond it lay to what you assumed was 3Racha's personal studio.

Chan was seated at an electric keyboard, the volume turned down to the point where you wondered how you'd heard it to begin with. Your movement drew his attention. He shuffled back into your room from the strange portal the Key made.

"I didn't wake you, did I?" He asked, voice pitched low to not wake Changbin.

You stretched as much as you could, stuck to Changbin as you were. "It's fine. I'm feeling better already."

It was true. In spite of the lingering sleepiness, you felt better rested than you had in quite some time. Perhaps better than you had before you'd met them.

Chan touched the top of your head, his head tilting in confusion. "You're nearly recovered. That shouldn't be possible."

You frowned up at him. "What do you mean?"

"Even accounting for Bin Bonding you back, you shouldn't be awake..." He studied you with an odd expression. "Yet you should be back to full strength... probably late tonight."

Changbin's muffled voice tickled the back of your head. "How hard did I hit my head..." His groan flooded your back and chest with its growls.

"Not sure," Chan said, his hand shifting to Changbin's head over yours. "Although, I'm sure Rose would like to get a few moments without you stuck to her tighter than a clam."

"Nnn." Changbin groaned again, burying his head underneath yours. "I'm cycling. It's fine. She's safe..."

Chan pressed his lips into a thin line. "She's nearly back to full strength, Bin. I think we're both a little more worried about you now."

You nodded, trying to be careful not to knock the back of your head into him. He was still so close. His cheek rested against your neck, just a bit more warm than it should be. He nuzzled right into the nape of your neck. His deep breath there shivered through you.

"You all right, little ermine?" He asked softly, ignoring what Chan had said.

"Yes," you replied. "I'm fine."

Changbin gave you one last firm squeeze before he released you, rolling onto his back on the bed. "What time is it?"

Chan glanced at his cell phone. "About four afternoon," he said. "We are cutting it close. Yeosang and San have to get back in an hour."

Changbin sat up, his bones creaking from the tense position he'd been in for so long. You tried to surreptitiously roll your shoulders. You weren't exactly young, whatever either of them seemed to think.

Chan, however, noticed what it was you were trying to hide. "Come over here, baby girl." He walked back to the chair at the keyboard in the other room and patted a shorter stool beside it.

You glanced back at Changbin, uncertain, but Chan made a soft noise in his throat. His eyes met yours again. He glanced pointedly from you to the stool, then back again.

Feeling rather foolish, you walked into the studio space and sat on the stool. You were still dressed only in the clothes Changbin had put you in. The comfortable ones for the flight you never made it back for.

Chan wheeled his chair around so he was behind you. Before you could ask what it was he was doing, his warm hands ran up your back from tailbone to neck, thumbs carefully dipping into each tiny crevice in your spine.

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