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Chapter 6

◎Bright Future◎

Now that I bought the medicine, I didn't need to go to the hospital. When I arrived in the county, I went straight to the train station.

Han Lie's army is in Anseong, two provinces away from here. It would take two days and one night at the fastest to get there by train.

There were many people at the train station, so Liu Susu did not go in and waited outside with a few children. After Han Lie bought the ticket, he heard him say: "There is still half an hour to check in."

Liu Susu nodded and asked him: "Where is the army?" There's a department store nearby. I need to buy some things to take with me."

Although Han Lie was assigned a house in the army, and there were things to live in there for a long time, but now there are three more people, and everything needs to be added, and looking at him like this , Liu Susu didn't expect the kitchen to be usable, maybe there were no pots.

Han Lie nodded: "Yes, I will pass by the county seat when I get off the train."

This is obvious. The place where the army is stationed is far away from the county seat. The degree of remoteness can be imagined, but Liu Susu has already done this. I was mentally prepared, so I wasn't too surprised.

Soon, the sound of ticket checking came from the loudspeaker.

Han Lie said: "Let's go."

Liu Susu handed him the thing in her hand: "You take the two children and go forward."

Han Lie has been training all year round, and his muscles are smooth but not exaggerated. In his eyes, big and small baggage seems like It didn't weigh as much and could be lifted with one hand. Liu Susu thought Liu Susu was worried about her two children, so she didn't say anything and walked forward with Niansu and Zhaodi.

But who knew that Liu Susu Teng opened her hand to hold the two boys tightly. Zhuang Cheng felt uncomfortable being held and twisted his buttocks: "Mom, why are you holding me?"

"Mom, I have something to tell you." Liu Susu raised her eyebrows. She opened her eyes and made sure Han Lie and the others couldn't hear her voice before speaking.

Zhuang Qian raised his head: "Mom, what are you talking about?"

She thought for a moment and said, "Do you still remember the white rabbit that Uncle Han gave you at home yesterday?"

"Remember!" Of course they remembered, the white rabbit is so delicious. They were all dreaming about eating this last night!

"Then Uncle Han has been so kind to you, Xiaoqian and Xiaocheng, do you want to repay him?"

Zhuang Cheng nodded without thinking, but Zhuang Qian clearly heard something in his mother's words, "Mom, how can I repay him?" Do you want him to? Do you want to buy a white rabbit for Uncle Han too? That's not possible, he has no money!

The little miser immediately widened his eyes alertly.

"Of course not. Your Uncle Han is the deputy leader. How can he still plan on you buying him candy?"

That's good.

Zhuang Qian, who had saved the small treasury, breathed a sigh of relief and said with relief: "Tell me, mother, what are you going to do?"

Liu Susu patted the ghost on the head and said: "Uncle Han is good to you, then you must treat him right. His child is good. Do you remember how the two uncles treated my mother at home?"

"My uncle is very kind to my mother. Both my uncle and my younger brother are good to my mother!"

"Yes, that's because my uncle is my mother's brother, so You have to protect your mother. Now that we and Uncle Han are a family, have you become Zhaodi's brothers and have to protect her?" Liu Susu said in a persuasive way.

She knew that the bad habit of favoring boys over girls existed in many places now, especially in a hodgepodge like the military zone, where everyone could be found, so she had to vaccinate her children in advance.

Moreover, these words cannot be said in front of Zhao and Di. They can only find an opportunity to communicate clearly in private.

The two children nodded in understanding.

Liu Susu said with satisfaction: "Well, Xiao Cheng, if we go to the military area and someone hits Xiao Qian, what will you do?"

"Hit him of course!"

"Where is Xiao Qian?"

Zhuang Qian loves money, but he doesn't say anything to his younger brother. , and said without hesitation: "I will help Xiao Cheng."

Liu Susu asked again: "What if someone hits Nian Su in the future?"

This time the question was not answered immediately like before, but he thought about it for a while. , then Zhuang Qian asked hesitantly: "We will also help him, because he is also our brother."

Zhuang Cheng waved his little paw: "We can't let outsiders bully us!"

At this time, Liu Susu directly stood between the two. The little guy gave a firm kiss on the cheek: "That's right! You are such a good baby!" If a family wants to live in harmony, the relationship between the children is particularly important, but no matter how the private relationship is, it cannot be allowed to happen under any circumstances. Outsiders saw the joke.

This was the first time that my mother's two little faces were red. They stood on the ground and were stunned. After they came to their senses, they followed Liu Susu with a smile and continued walking forward.


Lie bought a sleeper berth with three beds, two of which were lower berths. There was enough room to store things.

By the time we got on the bus, it was already nine o'clock. The group of people who had not eaten breakfast were already hungry. Liu Shurong boiled eggs, but could not finish them in one meal. Liu Susu asked Han Lie to ask if there were any lunch boxes to buy.

Today's lunch boxes are more honest, with both meat and vegetables, such as cold cucumbers, green vegetables and green peppers, and half an egg lying on top of each lunch box. The children would definitely not be able to finish the large portion, so Liu Susu kept four portions and left two portions for Han Lie to return.

"Aren't you going to have enough to eat?"

Liu Susu knew at a glance that Vice Captain Han really didn't know how to take care of children. "That's enough. If nothing else, we still have food in the bag."

A box lunch of one yuan and two pieces is not enough. Cheaper.

Han Lie thought about it and retreated.

Liu Susu divided the lunch box into two parts. Whether it was rice or vegetables, they were divided evenly. There was only half an egg in the lunch box, so she took Liu Shurong's boiled egg out of the bag, peeled the shell and put it on the table: " If you want to eat a whole egg, just eat two pieces of meat. You can choose for yourself." "

But mother, I want to eat both eggs and meat!" Zhuang Cheng was very greedy.

Life is hard now. Eggs and meat are luxuries. At home, even if Liu Shurong loves her grandson, she can only eat them four or five times a month.

"That won't work. Mom doesn't have a knife. It's hard to separate the eggs. If you eat too many eggs, you can only eat two pieces of meat."

Zhuang Qian and Zhuang Cheng were really reluctant to part with it. Niansu lowered his head and said nothing. Pay attention to the age of the oral stage, but he doesn't seem to care about these. What he eats and whether he has food or not is not important to him.

Zhaodi was a little restless. At home, her aunt had told her that the bride's two sons were younger brothers. As her sister, she had to give in, otherwise the bride would not like her.

Zhaodi opened her mouth and wanted to call her mother, but in the end she didn't make a sound. She could only whisper: "Auntie, let me give my meat to my brother. I can eat it with white rice." "

No need to give it, our family Everyone is the same, they eat what they should eat. If you give them meat, they will eat more eggs." As

soon as Liu Susu said these words, not only Zhao Di, but also Han Lie who came back from the meal was stunned. In situ.

"Come, sit here with Auntie." Liu Susu didn't know the impact of her words. She waved to Zhao Di. She knew that the little girl didn't want to get close to the opposite sex. She couldn't force this, and she had to change it slowly. , so he specifically asked her to sit next to him, and also asked the two brothers Zhuang Qian to go over and sit with Han Lie.

Zhao Di looked at Liu Susu blankly, feeling swollen in her heart.

She was too young to understand what it felt like, but she knew she was happy. Because this was the first time someone told her, "You don't have to give in." She didn't have to give in to her brother just because she was a sister and a girl. She could also eat her own share of rice filled with meat.

The little girl with messy hair held the lunch box and wanted to say something, but she was too stupid to say it. In the end, she could only pick up the chopsticks and secretly put the meat in her bowl into Liu Susu's bowl, fearing that she would be discovered. He quickly covered it with rice.

This time it's not because she likes the bride and wants to give her her most precious thing.

Liu Susu was instructing the two people in front of Zhuang to eat slowly, but she didn't notice Zhao Di's little move. She picked up her lunch box and took two bites, then suddenly said: "Han Lie, is your registered permanent residence in the army?"

Han Lie nodded.

"Then my children and I will also move here?"

"We will do it after we get the certificate. What's wrong?"

Liu Susu said, "I want to change the names of the children."

Han Lie was stunned: "Change the names? "

Yes, their names suggest they are not a family, which is not good." Liu Susu said.

Not only do they not look like a family, but these names don't sound good. Not to mention Zhao Di, let alone "Nian Su". These two words are the obsession of the child's mother. Saying them once will remind Nian Su of those bad memories from the past.

And it's only 1958, but by the 1970s, Wen. After the revolution began, Soviet revisionism was a taboo! If the name "Nian Su" is called out and manipulated by someone with ulterior motives, it will definitely be a big problem.

Want to change! Definitely change it!

"But mother, didn't you say before that we won't change our names until we die?" Zhuang Qian said suddenly.

Zhuang Cheng nodded: "Yes, mother, I still want to call you Xiao Cheng."

He was used to it.

The one who cannot change his name even after death is the original owner.

And he gave them this name because Zhuang Baiyu kept talking about his future all day long. The original owner hoped that the people he loved could also have a good future, so he gave this name to the two children.

But now, who wants to care about that scumbag's future? Liu Susu was disgusted by the idea of ​​having two children named after him.

She said fiercely: "You are still called Xiaoqian and Xiaocheng, but your surname is Han."

"With Uncle Han?" Zhuang Cheng thought about it and accepted it. Uncle Han bought them candy and didn't know how to scold them. , much better than dad!

"Yes." Liu Susu thought for a moment and looked at Han Lie: "How about calling it Splendid Future?" It

was still Qiancheng, but this time, the people with Splendid Future were their family of six.

Han Lie raised his eyebrows: "A bright future?"

"That's right." Liu Susu took Nian Su's little hand and asked softly: "Nian Su, will you call me Han Jin from now on? We will never use that name again. No need."

As soon as she finished speaking, Liu Susu suddenly realized that Nian Su, who had been lowering his head since they met and said nothing, suddenly raised his head. At this moment, even his eyes seemed to have sparkle, and he was stunned. After a moment, he said: "My name is Han Jin?"

Liu Susu looked at him seriously: "Yes, your name is Han Jin, and from today on, you are Han Jin."

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