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Max's POV

Alright I'll be real I'm cheating on Nick with this girl named Hannah. Right now Nick was asleep on my shoulder and I'm just kinda loosing interest in him like he's getting boring.

He's to loud and energetic or he has no energy and it's so annoying. Matt came in the room and just smiled "Y'all alright?" He asked "Yeah we're fine he's just asleep" I said. Matt laughed.

"Well me and Chris are heading out do you need anything?" Matt asked I shook my head as I continued texting Hannah. She soon wanted to call and I looked at Nick he was in a deep sleep it would be fine.

Nicks POV

I slowly was waking up and Max was on the phone so I pretended like I was asleep. "Alright goodnight baby" he said as he hung up. I sat up and looked at him. "Who did you call baby...?" I asked as tears started swelling in my eyes.

"Calm down my love it was my niece okay? She's going through a hard time it nothing u promise baby" he said kissing me. I giggled at least he's not cheating that would break me.

"Hey where did Matt and Chris go?" I asked he was glued to his phone "oh they went to the store" Max replied. I walked over and he instantly clicked off of the app he was on I didn't wanna jump to conclusions so I just ignored it.

It's probably nothing.

I heard the door open and I ran downstairs "MATT CHRISSSS" I said hugging them "Hey kid what's up?" Matt asked hugging me back. "Did you sleep well?" Chris asked grabbing a Pepsi,I shrugged.

"You wanna watch a movie with us?" Matt asked with his arm around my shoulder "YESSSS" I said jumping in excitement. "Alright kid let's go Matt said as we all sat on the couch and Matt out on maze runner.

I saw Max come down and just looked at him "Could you tell where you are next time?" He asked sitting next to me. "But I'm only with Matt and Chris?" I said confused,he just rolled his eyes so I stayed quiet.

I laid on matts shoulder as I was watching the movie. I got a little anxious halfway through the movie but fell asleep.

Matts POV

Nick soon fell asleep on my shoulder and Max was texting someone under the name "Baby❤️" that's not Nick I know that. He wouldn't cheat on Nick surely...

Maybe it's nothing but what if it is something it'll break his heart...

"Who's that?" I asked max hid his phone "no one" he said. "It's someone so are you cheating on him?" I asked and Chris immediately whipped his head around to us. "And what if I am? Plus you can't say he's not boring sometimes. He's to energetic and loud I hate it" max complained.

"What the fuck?! He loves you and when your not here he literally talks about how amazing you are you can't do that to him!" Chris said. "Well to bad I found a better person and I'm only with him for fun he was a fun game to play" Max said.

This pissed me off. "What and Nick don't know hmm?" I said "No why would he know" max laughed. This was sick.

I carried Nick up to bed and pulled the blankets over him. "Goodnight kid" I said closing his door. "Well you better tell him before he finds out himself." I said.

"No? Why the fuck would I do that do you take me for an idiot? max snapped "Well you must be if your cheating on him like I don't know what else to tell you" Chris said.

Max just walked up to nicks room and blanked us. "Well we tried to warn him" I shrugged Chris just nodded as we carried on the movie. Nick soon shot his head up and started manically laughing.

"Fine he wants to play like that then I'll play along" Nick said smiling but we knew he was deeply hurt.

Nicks POV

"Sooo you wanna okay that game?" I asked Smiling max just looked at me. "What do you mean my love?" He asked putting his hands on my waist.

"Get your dirty cheating hands off me" I said he looked at me shocked "Yeah I know. So you wanna just tell the truth or will we have to do this the hard way?" I asked pulling a knife out.

"Alright jeez I'm cheating on you and I don't care because your to energetic and sometimes your just boring so we're over" Max said leaving.

I sat on my bed and placed the knife beside me as I started balling my eyes out. I curled up and just cried until I could cry no more. Matt and Chris came up and just rubbed my back since I was coughing so much.

"Nick...its alright you never deserved him anyways he was a bitch" Chris said "But I loved him...you don't understand I-I thought we would be a forever kind of thing..." Nick sobbed into matts chest.

"It's alright hun...we understand he's just a dick and we know you loved him but you'll find someone better" Matt said rubbing my back. "I don't want to be in another relationship if their all gonna end up like this" I sobbed more.

"Nick not all relationships are like that he just wasn't the one for you" Matt said comforting me. I stop crying and kinda just laid there as my 2 brothers laid beside me.

"Nick you want us to call Larray?" Matt asked I nodded.

Matts POV

I grabbed my phone and called Larray "Oh hey Mattieboo how are youuu" he asked I laughed "I'm good but your bestie ain't" I said. "Um What?" He said getting in his car "I'm on my way tell that bad bitch I'll be there soon" Larray said.

He hung up.

10 minutes later he kicked down nicks door. "Alright twins out let me handle this" he said sitting on nicks bed. Me and Chris got out and started laughing.

Nicks POV

"Boy. You crying over a man who don't even want you? Like men ain't shit okay yo bad bitch ass back" Larray said making me laugh. "THERES MY BAD BITCHHH" Larray said as he started blasting music from his phone.

We started dancing and after a few minutes Larray looked at me.

"See Nick it's alright your good. Your a bad bitch I got you always" Larray said hugging me,I hugged him back.

"I love you thank you" I said "Awwww I love you to Nick!" He said


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