The Rocky Horror Glee Show

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'He's the one played by meatloaf right?' Zach quizzed Nessa only to receive a hum in agreement.

'From the black lagoon?' Sam asked

'Rocky. He's like the Frankenstein character except blonde. You'll kill the part. He's cute just like you.' Nessa explained to him, her inner super fan coming out. While Zach just side eyed the pair.

'Better start working on those abs.' Santana told him.

'Are you kidding me? You could cut glass with these babies. I have no problem showing off my body.' Sam replied to her.

'Okay! Looks like we got ourselves a show!' Mr Schue finished.



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BEFORE SCHOOL NESSA HAD INVITED SAM on a coffee date to the Lima bean

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BEFORE SCHOOL NESSA HAD INVITED SAM on a coffee date to the Lima bean. After their date to Breadstix they started messaging more. A date was also a good idea to help Sam out with his role of Rocky. However this plan failed when Sam brought Zach to tag along and she saw Blaine sitting at a table by himself.

'Can you just get my drink for me? I'll be at the table with Blaine.' Nessa asked the boys. Sam was confused never having met Blaine before. Luckily Zach knew her order.

Blaine looked up from his drink seeing his sister sit down.

'Hey, Ness what are you doing here?' Blaine asked, sounding pleased to see her.

'Well, i wanted to have a date with Sam but he decided it would be the perfect choice to let Zach tag along.' She started to explain to him whisper yelling, before the two McKinley boys joined them.

She stood up ready to introduce Sam and Blaine, before Zach cut her off.

'Sam this is Blaine, Nessa's twin brother,' Zach said pointing between the two.

'Nice to meet you dude, Nessa talks about you a lot.' Sam said to Blaine.

The four sat down together, before Nessa began complaining to Blaine about Glee club and the musical. Sam and Zach just sat back, as she ranted to her brother like he was a therapist. Sometimes the boys would add in something that she missed. Zach loved the chatty enthusiastic side of Nessa.

𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝗼𝐫 𝐲𝐚 (𝒈𝒍𝒆𝒆)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat