*It Feels Like You Dont Care*

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Nicks POV

I'll be real. I haven't been doing the best probably the worst I've ever been to be honest. I've been distant from Matt and Chris my phones been off for the past 4 days. I haven't actually talked to anyone.

It was staying up with thought and anxiety all night and sleeping all day. I heard a light knock on my door and I knew it was Matt. He opened the door and looked at me.

He sat next to me and placed a hand in my hair. "What's wrong sweetheart?" He asked I shrugged. I really didn't want to talk to anyone right now...

"Well here I made you some cookies" Matt said Smiling "Thanks..." I said but honestly I didn't have an appetite. "Alright well me and Chris are downstairs if you need us" Matt said leaving.

I sat up and put on a T-Shirt. I put on a series I was watching and just zoned out halfway through it. I didn't know what to do. I looked at the batch of cookies Matt had made and I knew I wasn't gonna eat then or I'd throw them up but I really wanted to taste them.

I grabbed one and just looked at it for a few seconds before eating it. I thought I was gonna be okay but then I found myself throwing up over the toilet.

I hate throwing up it's so disgusting so this just made it worse. "MATT CHRIS" I shouted but nothing.

I called Matt but again no anwser. Fuck. I was about to give up but then I tried Chris again nothing. I threw my phone to the wall as I proceed to throw up.

Is this ever gonna end? I kept throwing up until my phone started ringing I could kind of make out the name. I picked it up and quickly answered it as I threw up more.

"Hun?! Are you okay?!" I hear my mom ask. "U-um" I said but my only response was more throwing up. I ate a single fucking cookies what the fuck is this?

"Alright huh I'm on my way okay? Have you tried calling your brothers?" My mom asked "Y-es" I stuttered. "Alright well I'm in the driveway" she said hanging. Up.

I threw up a lot more and at this point was so dizzy and everything was blurry. I heard the bathroom door being throw open and my mom rushing over to me.

She laid my head on her lap as she started playing with my hair. "It's alright hun...calm down" she said kissing my forehead. "How do you feel?" She asked "Dizzy..." I replied putting my hand on my head.

"I'll speak to your brothers once they get back okay?" She said "it's fine leave them..." I said. "Hun no you called them because you were feeling sick and they didn't pick up then this happens" she said.

She carried me to bed and sat with me for a bit until the front door opened and matt and Chris's laughs echoed through the house. My mom got up and just smiled at me.

Matts POV

Me and Chris got back and we were laughing so hard that Chris tripped over a fucking chair. Soon mom came down and Chris was just lying on the floor with a chair over him.

Mom started laughing and helped Chris up then had a serious look on her face. She would usually have this look on her face when Nick beat someone up at school.

"Did your brother call you guys at all?" She asked raising an eyebrow. And me and Chris checks our phone and I had 2 missed calls from Nick and Chris had one.

"Well?" She asked "yeah?" Me and Chris said at the same time. "Do you know why?" She asked we both shook our heads "Your brother was found in the bathroom on the verge of passing out and throwing his guts up" mom said.

Me and Chris looked at each other with panic written all over our faces. "Oh fuck." We both said running up to nicks room. He was laying in bed looking pale as fuck.

"Oh hey guys" he said sitting up smiling. Me and Chris rushed either side of him. "Nick? Why did you call our phones more we would've picked up" Chris said. "It feels like you don't care since you didn't pick up the first 2 times..." Nick said.

"Nick we're so sorry our phones were off we didn't think you would need us...we do care I can promise you that darling" I said. Nick just laid his head on my shoulder and Chris grabbed his hand.

"Your gonna be alright buddy we're here" Chris said as mom was taking pictures from the doorway.

We all bursted out with laughter.

Nick angst Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now