4. Kenta
Age: 28
Family: Raised by a single mother, Kenta's loyalty to his family is unmatched.
Skill: Tech expertise and hacking.
Position: Tech specialist and hacker for the group.
Personality: Savage and relentless in pursuit of his goals.

Saying: "In the digital world, there are no boundaries, only opportunities."


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5. Dean
Age: 26
Family: Orphaned at a young age, Dean has no known family ties and considers Pete's group his only family.
Skill: Strategic planning and manipulation.
Position: Advisor and confidant to Pete.
Personality: Bold, rude, and unapologetic.

Saying: "I don't sugarcoat anything. Life's too short for lies."


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6. Sonic
Age: 25
Family: Orphaned and raised in foster care, Sonic found solace and camaraderie within Pete's group.
Skill: Infiltration and combat.
Position: Stealth operative and assassin.
Personality: Bubbly, funny, and always cracking jokes to lighten the mood.

Saying: "Life's too short to be serious all the time. You gotta find humor in the darkness."



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1. Way
Age: 28
Position: CEO and Founder
Family: Orphaned, Way built Phoenix Enterprises from the ground up.
Skill: Business acumen, leadership.

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