Start from the beginning

And once they were gone, he turned looking at the rest of them as he walked to the front "everyone, fall in!" he voiced, as they all moved to their spots on the mat facing the fall with the writing on it "must've been a rager, sensei." Hawk said "were you celebrating all weekend?" Miguel asked him "celebrating what? That my students are a bunch of pussies?" Jackson's dad asked and when he did, Jackson furrowed his brows along with Hawk and Miguel "Lawerence, Hawk, up front." his dad then told them as the two stepped up and turned facing the class.

"Hawk. Did you attack your opponent when his back was turned?" Jackson's dad asked him as he walked behind him "yes, sensei." Hawk told him, as he looked to Jackson, wondering what was going on "Lawerence.' Jackson's dad said as he stepped in front of him "when you were losing did you purposefully hurt your opponent to give yourself an advantage?" he asked him, and when he did, Jackson knew the answer was no but in that single moment with the rage coursing through him it was a yes "yes, sensei." he said, as his dad then looked from him to Hawk "you think that makes you badass?" he asked.

"No, sensei." Jackson told him, not looking him in the eyes, as his dad stepped toward's him "what'd you say? I couldn't hear you?" he asked him, as Jackson lifted his head up "no, sensei!" he voiced "that's right! Now tell me, two cobras in the jungle. One kills the strongest lion, the other kills a cripple monkey. Which cobra do you wanna be?" his dad asked him as he began to pace in front of them "the one that kills the lion, sensei!" Jackson voiced "and why is that?" his dad asked him "cause it killed a stronger animal." Jackson told him.

"Correct! Cobra kai is about being badass. And the baddest badass is the one who beats his opponent when he's at his strongest." Jackson's dad shared, as he then stepped up to Hawk "not when his back is turned." he told him as he stepped in front of Jackson "not when he's injured!" he voiced, getting in his face more than Hawk's, as he then stepped away from him "is that understood?" he asked "yes, sensei." they all said, as Jackson's dad began to pace "that means no more cheating. No more fighting dirty. From here on out, those are pussy moves, and you don't wanna be pussies do ya?" he asked "no, sensei." they all said.

"Good. That's why I had you wear your white belts. We're starting over." Jackson's dad told them all as he turned to him and Hawk "Lawrence, Hawk, fifty push up's on your knuckles." he told them, and Jackson felt that same rage inside of him as he did when he hurt Robby, as he dropped down to the mat especially when his dad said "Ms Robinson warm the up." because as champion that should be him, not some guy on the floor doing push up's "fighting positions!" Aisha voiced, where her voice along with his father's was fueling his strength to do better, to be the cobra kai that he was born to be, because one mistake even after winning over LaRusso still made him a disappointment and he wasn't okay with that.

Where when Jackson was done with his push ups and Hawk had joined the others for warm up, he walked over to his dad's office, as he slammed the door shut "I've done everything you've asked me to! I won the competition over LaRusso and yet just because I got a little angry and attacked Robby, you think you can treat me like what? Like how Kreese used to treat you! You haven't even spoken a word to me since I won and this morning you were out of the house before I even woke up. Help me understand, you and me are supposed to be a team remember?" he asked him.

"I'm teaching you a lesson." his dad told him "bullshit. You've been talking about no mercy all year and even before the tournament. You told us to win no matter what. And all of a sudden Robby's are opponent and you what? Roll over? That's not you." Jackson told him "yeah. Well, maybe I'm still learning a bit too." his dad told him, as Jackson scoffed "yeah because you..you just don't get it." he told him, as he ran his hand through his hair, his dad stood up from his desk and walked over to him "look, I wasn't taught the difference between mercy and honor and I payed the price for it. If I'm extra hard on you, it's only because you have the potential to be better then I ever was. You want that don't you?" he asked him.

And when he did, Jackson shook his head "I don't know anymore. I mean between you, Sam, Moon, everyone fucking out there.." he said, motioning to the door "I just need everyone to stop asking me those kind of questions." he told him, as he turned around, opening the door and walking out to join everyone else.

Class was over, as Jackson changed back into his clothes, he walked out with Hawk and Miguel behind him "oh come on dude! You have to come!" Hawk voiced, as Jackson waved him off "dude, I've already seen over the top. Sylvester Stallone. Father and son relationship. Boxing movie you guys will love it." he told them "alright, see you around." Miguel told him, as the three dabbed each other up, Miguel and Hawk began walking away, while Jackson turned around to head to his bike, but when he did, he saw Aisha who was walking toward's him and behind her was Sam.

In which Sam looked at him, and when she did, Jackson looked away from them as he turned heading to his bike, he climbed onto it and grabbed his helmet putting it on "Jax.." Aisha told him, as Jackson revved the engine "Jax, I'm talking to you!" Aisha voiced, as Jackson revved the bike even louder, Aisha huffed, as he backed out of the spot and turned driving out of the parking lot.

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