What the factions didn't know was that this girl that they have talked about since the factions formed is still alive, and still traveling, she never stays in one place too long. Each group that she stays with is for at most a month, but nothing longer. She can't get too attached to people in her mind, because then they will just leave her. She has two or three friends that she checks on every once in a while, but she tries to keep to herself. It's hard for her though, she needs people to interact with. Even before the Natural Disasters she was like that, maybe a day or two to herself, but then she needed to see and talk to people.

At the moment she was trying to figure out where to go, she has been on Terra for far too long and it's not like that was by choice. She chose a cute little town to take a bit of time at and was going to leave after a week, but then one of the people in the town got attached to her. They were always around and she couldn't seem to get out of their gaze. It's why she was packing her apartment at night and was going to leave early in the morning. That way they should still be asleep. She was thinking about going up to Avalon since this particular person was a grounded Aveon. Meaning they were probably not going back up anytime soon.

While Aveons didn't go down to Terra too much, sometimes some would stay to escape something in the sky or they were just tired of the life up there. If they decided to become grounded it usually meant that they were not going back up. So it was better for her to take the risk and head up instead of heading down to Infra. They would likely follow her down if they found her, then follow her up. Though her plans change when a text comes through on her phone.

I need your help please come see me asap.

I'll be there tomorrow.

She double checks who it is from and sighs. This meant that she was heading down to Infra. If they were asking for help it must be big, plus it meant that she was probably going to have to call someone else that she didn't want to call. It's not that she doen't love this person, they are her best friend but that also meant they were going to yell at her about a lot of things she has done over the past few months, even years. With another sigh she puts her bag by the door and crawls into bed.

In the morning she is awoken by a knock at her door. Confused, she pulls herself up and answers the door, seeing one person she didn't want to see.

"What?" She asks, rubbing her eyes.

"I'm sorry to wake you but-

"This better be good or I'm kicking you off this ledge."

"I'd be fine." They smirk.

"Can you get your wings out that fast?"

"Yes, now I need your help."

"With what?"

"I had a friend message me that they need help and I want to bring you with me."


"Why not?"

"Why do I have to give you a reason?"

"Come on Em, it will only be a few days."

"Did you tell them I was coming already?"

"No, I didn't even tell them I was coming yet, I wanted to talk to you."

"And you had to bother me this early."

"Yes, something told me I had to."

She sighs and runs a hand through her choppy brown hair. Closing her eyes she takes a deep breath. When she opens her eyes they swirl between every shade of blue and green before settling on a stormy blue matching the eyes looking back at her.

"Look Declan, I don't know why you seem to be so interested in me and want me to do things with you, but stop it please."

"Emerson, I don't understand why you push people away. I'm interested in you because you intrigue me and always seem to be alone."

"I have to be alone, you wouldn't understand. I have two people, maybe three that I'm able to keep close but that's it, so please leave me alone. I should get going. I've been here too long."

"Been here too long? You've only been here three months."

"Two months too long. I'm a traveler. I don't stay in one place too long, a month at the longest, but you are always watching me and I can't seem to slip away."

She sees the storm starting in his eyes as he looks past her to her empty apartment. Then she watches his eyes land on the bag by the door.

"I surprised you, you were going to leave today before I got up."

"Yes." She says slipping on her shoes and picking up her bag. "Now excuse me."

She pushes past him and jumps off the ledge using the trees to push off to land safely. He watches her in shock before producing his wings and heading after her. She manages to get to the edge of town before he catches her. She quickly pulls out of his arms, letting him see the feather hanging behind her right ear. Seeing this makes him stop for a minute before he starts off again wondering who she was.

"Em, please stop running." He says, catching her arm at the Hub.

"Let me go D."

"If I let you go, promise me you will stay in touch."

"I don't stay in touch, I need to go."

"Look, you've been with the group long enough that I've come to care for you. I'm not letting you just leave without keeping in touch. So please." He pleads, the rain coming into his eyes

"You will have to deal, please forget about me. I can't have people getting attached to me, caring for me. You have to let me go."

As a tear slips from his eye, he lets her go. Looking at her feet, she mutters a sorry before disappearing into the crowd. Declan reproduces his wings large enough to fly home, tears pouring from his eyes.

Emerson stepped on the train and found a seat away from everyone and pulled her legs to her chest, placing her head on her knees, trying not to cry herself. She couldn't figure out who this boy was that she got so attached to him, but that is why she had to leave. She lost the battle with her tears as soon as a text came into her phone.

We need to talk, it's about David.

She doesn't respond, just silently cries.

By the time her stop comes around she had finally stopped crying. She pulled herself up and headed off the train to the drop, sending her to the correct town in Infra. 

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