Bumps In The Road

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"Animals' Nibble?" Cass read the label out loud. "Huh. That's a pretty straightforward product name." She comments.

"Get your Animals' Nibble! The best for your pet!" A man holding baskets of paper bags shouted in the distance.

Rapunzel walked up to the man with the basket. "Monty? You're selling animal food now?" She questioned.

Feeling offended, Uncle Monty said,
"Well, why yes your highness. I don't always have to sell pastries for humans. Especially you."

"I don't mean any harm Uncle Monty."

"Monty, what is exactly in these cookies, and why are all the animals in the village acting so hyper all of a sudden." Cass was suspecting something was off with the biscuits.

"Flour and eggs, I assume."

"You assume?"

"Oh, and a bit of food coloring too."

"Uncle Monty?!" Cassandra and Rapunzel exclaim in unison. The two girls looked at each other in disbelief.

(Old Corona)

Nancy ran through the crowds of people and Charlotte tried following her rabbit as fast as she could and almost crashed into a watermelon cart.

"Oh my gosh so sorry!"

Charlotte caught up to her bunny but Nancy hopped up in the air

"Oh no you don't..! YOU LITTLE!-"

Charlotte jumped and tried reaching for Nancy's fluffy legs. Instead, the curly haired girl accidentally pounced on someone. Her and the person hit the floor

"Aghh!!" Charlotte exclaimed as she realized she was going to land on a person.

"Oof!" The person, now below Charlotte, grunted from the impact.

They both opened their tightly closed eyes and looked at each other for a moment. Nancy and a raccoon stood next to each other, watching the situation unfold.

Charlotte examined the character as best as she could, since her glasses flew off of her face. She assumed the person she tackled was a boy, maybe about her age? He had short black hair, chestnut streaks and one blue hair streak that matched the blue on his eyes.

The boy was the first to break the awkwardness

"You- you gonna get up, or?.." He chuckled.

"Oh my gosh, I apologize!" Charlotte got off of him and brushed down her dress. She started crawling on the floor whilst squinting at it to find her round-red glasses.


"Here let me.." The boy kneeled down and grabbed Charlotte's glasses, then putting them on her face. He held her hands with his gloved ones and helped her get up off the floor.

Charlotte let things happen and blinked a few times to adjust her eyes. She was finally able to examine who she had crashed into properly. The boy had freckles and a buck toothed smile.

"T-thanks.. also, are you okay? That fall was pretty hard. I was chasing my pet and.." She said gesturing to Nancy.

"Hey, hey, you're okay! Don't sweat it. My name is Varian." The boy introduced himself with a buck toothed smile as he squeezed Charlotte's hands

"Varian? As in 'the alchemist boy who tried overthrowing the kingdom', Varian?" Charlotte slowly said pulling her arms away and putting them on her hips looking at Varian skeptically.

"Bingo..!" He slightly laughed while rubbing the back of his neck in disappointment. Does he always have to be known as the bad guy?

"I'm Charlotte." She smiled.

Varian's eyes widened as he heard her name.
"Charlotte?.. Wait, CHARLOTTE DURCHDENWALD, as in Princess Charlotte? Cousin of Rapunzel? My, my where are my manners! You're-your Highness." Varian excitedly exclaimed as he kneeled down and bowed his head.

"Varian get up! We're in the middle of the road!" Charlotte said pulling his arm, forcing the boy to stand up.

"Yes your highne-"

"And please just call me Charlotte!" She laughed at Varian's silliness.

"Okay fine." Varian chuckled.

"Looks like our pets are getting along." Charlotte said and looked behind Varian at the two animals. Nancy and the raccoon were fighting over an apple.

"Ruddiger! Get off the poor bunny!" Varian ran up to the mammals and picked up his raccoon, Charlotte did the same with Nancy.

Charlotte angrily looked at Nancy in her eyes.

"Why are you acting up so much today, missy?!" Charlotte scolded the white rabbit.

Ruddiger laughed at Nancy, the bunny chittered back.

The teenagers sigh and put their mammals on their shoulders.

"Anywho, I didn't mean to be an interruption to wherever you were going, so I'll be on my way." Charlotte said saluting 'bye' to Varian and walking off.

"W-wait." Varian said making Charlotte turn around. "I don't mean to assume, but are you traveling to the castle? 'Cause that's where I'm headed!" Varian said.

"Is this your way of saying you want to be friends?" Charlotte smirked. Varian could only reply with a sheepish smile. Suddenly he had a cunning look on his face.

"Race you to the kingdom!" The boy ran, purposely bumping into the girl.

"Hey!" She laughed.

(Corona Village)
"So you're telling us that a guy with a man bun told you to sell these or else they'll destroy your bakery?" Cassandra rhetorically asked Uncle Monty

He nods.

"That sounds like Separatist activity. We need to warn everyone about this!" Rapunzel cried in distress.

"Could we take one bag Uncle Monty?" Cassandra says handing the old kan. some silver coins.

"Sure." He takes the coins

The lady in waiting and her princess walk back to the castle and talk.
Cassandra sighs, "These cookies are definitely laced with something..."  She hands the bag to Rapunzel, "But with what?.."

"Charlotte could probably help!" Rapunzel suggested

Cassandra answered,
"Your cousin? I guess, but I was thinking this is sort of a Varian thing."

"Well looks like we're searching for an herbalist and alchemist." The princess joyfully stated.


Charlotte's Chronicles; Tangled The Series FanFiction (OC insert) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon