CHAPTER 8: Its Okay Not To Be Okay

Start from the beginning

"Of course with that sister of mine", I smirked, "You need to have some extra card under your sleeve, I was just waiting for the right time...", I said giggling .


I open the double door with a grin, "Hello miss Edwin, hope we're not intruding", Naomi said with a smile, Peeping from side to side .

"Not at all miss...little miss has been waiting like forever", I said stepping aside .

"Good", Beauty said as she stepped into the house or mansion, Anyone you're comfortable with.

She threw her back Park at me, I caught it before it landed on the ground, I miss this Hata** like shit .

"See who we have here", Mrs Hannah said opening her hands widely .

Beauty and Naomi ran towards her giving her a tight warm hugging .

"Ella didn't tell me, You both were coming over", Mrs Hannah said throwing me a quizzical look .

"It came on short notice, And beside I didn't want to bother you?", I tried defending myself .

"And when did I tell you that cooking for my girls bothered me?", She asked defensively .

"It's not like I'll make them starve, I plan on giving them, Red velvet cake roll, And orange juice".

"You denied us the pleasure of eating Mrs Hannah food", Beauty said with a poker face .

I laughed throwing her back park at her, She's caught it almost falling to the ground .

Opening the fridge, I took out the container of orange juice, While using my other hand to open the top Cabinet, I grabbed four glasses,

Naomi came to my side of the counter assisting me with the glasses . I rolled my eyes chuckling .

I poured the orange juice into the glasses placing them nicely on the tray, Returning the container back to the fridge, I brought out the Red velvet cake roll placing them on the counter, I closed the fridge solidly .

"Mrs Hannah can you please cook one of those your exquisite delicacies for us", Naomi said with a puppy eyes .

"Of course dear just give me few minutes", Mrs Hannah said bring out some utensils from the cupboard .

"Come on girl just taste this... I bet you won't regret it" .

Beauty rolled her eyes crossing her hands over her chest, But Naomi being Naomi, Grab the plate of cake, After taking a bit, She hummed rolling her eyes to the back of her head .

"Whoa...this taste nice...delicious", Naomi blab unable to find words to describe the exquisite taste, She pushed some pieces into Beauty mouth .

"Stop that will you?", Beauty said giggling, She swallowed, Her eyes brows raised slightly,

Her eyes now fixed on the ones on the counter, She was about to take some slice of cake, When Little demon bashed into the kitchen .

She went straight for the fridge .

"Humhum", Beauty feign coughed, Catching Abigail's attention .

"Beauty.., Naomi.., Sorry I was so caught up in my search, That I didn't notice my surroundings, Sorry for my manners", She said smiling. As she moved closer to our side of the counter with a grin .

I rolled my eyes, knowing exactly what she was about to do, Old habit never stops.

She rushed to our side of the counter taking the plate of velvet cake, She ran towards the door then halted at the kitchen entrance smirking.

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