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(Wednesday, after practice)

"Hey guys!! Sorry I took so long. I was taking a shower." Hinata said, touching the nape of his neck sheepishly. 

"That was pretty much expected from you, dumbass." Kageyama retorted. 

"Hey the hell you said?!" 

"Ok, ok let's not fight now." Y/N smiled brightly.

 Both the boys immediately fell silent. They walked for a bit, mainly Y/N and Hinata chatting with each other with Kageyama butting in occasionally to insult Hinata. 


 "Oh please, shut up!" 

After some more walking, Hinata stopped at a turn. "Bye guys! See you tomorrow!"

 "Bye Hinata!' Y/N said. 

"Bye." Kageyama added. 

Hinata left them took the turn. Kageyama and Y/N watched Hinata cycle away. Those two were now alone. Hinata, who was cycling, was now happy, leaving them both alone. He had his suspicions.

 Kageyama and Y/N walked on the street under the starlit sky.



 "There is no practice tomorrow. What will you do?"

 "I have not thought about that."

 "Oh okay"

 "Why are you asking though?" 

"No reason." 

After some more time Y/N's house came first. "Bye Kageyama. See you tomorrow!" She beamed her smile at the lovesick boy who blushed yet again.

 "Bye Y/N."

(Next Day, recess)

"So, I hope you'll be able to buy all these. We will need to cook a lot of food tomorrow for the guests who will be coming. You'll be ok, right?" Y/N's mother asked Y/N.

 "Yes, I can do it. I'll be leaving for school now! Bye mom!" 

Y/N went away with the list of groceries in her hand that she needed to buy for her house.

 Later, in the recess, she was going to her class, looking down at the list when she accidentally bumped into Kageyama. The list fell down.

 "Oh, I am so sorry Kageyama." 

"No, it's all right." Kageyama helped Y/N up.

 He picked up the list from the ground. "What's this?" Kageyama asked, handing the list to Y/N. 

"It's a shopping list. I need to buy all these items for the party that me and my family are having tomorrow."

 Kageyama nodded understandingly. 

"Well then, Bye!" Y/N said as she started walking away. 

Kageyama suddenly grabbed her hand, making her stop in her tracks. "What the f$#k did I just do?!" Kageyama cursed himself for doing that. Y/N blushed really hard. And the redness on Kageyama's face could not be explained.

 "Uhh... Umm... Maybe we can go to the vending machine again today?" He asked, completely embarrassed by his actions. He had finally accepted that he just absolutely loved it when Y/N was around. 

Did he have a crush on her? "Of course, I do. Or else why would she come in my dreams? Why would I want to spend more time with her? Why would I feel like hugging her at times? Why would I feel so comfortable around her? Of course, I do." Kageyama thought to himself rationally. 

His train of thoughts was interrupted by Y/N. 

"You know what? Let's eat lunch together instead of going to the vending machine today, ok?" She gave him the smile which he loved very much. 

Kageyama nodded and was still holding onto her hand. Y/N twisted her wrist and intertwined her hand with Kageyama's and led him to her classroom. The boy could feel the heat rushing up to his cheeks but at the same time, he was very happy on holding Y/N's hand for the first time. 

They had their lunch together. Kageyama was feeling surprisingly chatty around Y/N. 

"Do you enjoy parties? You're gonna have one tomorrow, right? At your house?" Kageyama was a bit curious and wanted to know more about Y/N.

"Huh? Me? Well yeah... I'm having a party at my house. But I don't really like parties... It's more like my parents are having a party at my house."

"Well, will you be forced to enjoy the party then?"

"No. Not really. When things like these happen at my house, I'm usually just in my room chilling... Although I might not look like it, but I'm not really a social person even when I have good social skills." She smiled as she said this.

"That's pretty unbelievable." Just then the grocery list came into Kageyama's mind. "Hey? Y/N?"


"So you're going shopping today, since there's no club?" He asked, a bit too curiously.

She saw the sparkle in his eyes for the first time and thought of something. "Hmm? What's that? You wanna accompany me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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