Takato's chance with a girl

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It was before Halloween's night when I got off my shift. I raised my hand a bit higher from it's current position to see the time on my watch. It has already hit 7:15. I should be heading off now, I figured.

I arrived home 15 minutes later. I pulled out a pair of keys and opened up my front door after walking through a row of bushes. As soon as I got in, I hanged my trench coat on the clothing rack right beside the door. In front of me was a short stairways which lead to the bedrooms. I felt so exhausted after my shift- I quickly stumbled across the living room and onto the resting couch. "Ahh.." I groaned, in that very moment, I dropped unconscious on the couch. My hand hanging over the seat, another over my forehead. Resting my eyes-..


I grabbed my phone which was in my shirt and tossed it away onto the coffee table beside me. After a few minutes, I groaned again and figured I really should had taken that call. I picked up my phone again and tapped contacts to call the person.

"Hi mum" I murmured.

"Sorry I wasn't on hold earlier, I was-.. I was taking a shower.. So, how are you?"

"Eric, I expect you to be more alerted next time. How's the house?" responded mum.

"Have you been following up with your studies? Did you clean the house?"

"Very well, mum, you don't have to worry a thing.." I whispered.

"Good and make sure it stays that way. Your father and I will be back in a few business days." She replied and hanged up.

Just like that,

-not even a good night.. or.. a take care.. or.. well.. any other shit parents would say to their kids.


I sighed.

I then later put my phone in my shirt again, stood up and made my way up the stairs. I walk pass my parent's bedroom. It reminded me, mum told me not to enter the room no matter what. Well, not that I care.. I rolled my eyes and entered my own bedroom. I walked to my study desk and sat down in the swivel chair next to it. I pulled out a sheet of plain paper from the piles of books and files on my desk. There was a blue wooden pencil beside the piles of paper. I took it and started writing a poem-.. but then, my hand stopped. I only tried to put more force on the pencil.. then the tip of the pencil-..


"I wish I was dead."

I ended up in bed a while later after totally losing my breath.

I woke up from my sleep hours later from my alarm clock. I yawned as I put my feet down from the place I assumed was heaven. I shut down my alarm clock, realizing it was a typical Wednesday for me to go to school. Seems that it was 6:45, I should be at school by 7:30 while classes start at 9. "Fair enough" I said to myself. I walked a few steps to my bathroom to take a shower. Just necessary normalized stuff everyone do.

After that, I got in my school uniform. It was a plain white collared shirt, I wrapped my blue tie around the collar, following the uniform with a grey and black cross designed cotton vest on top for more comfort and warmth. I then walked downstairs into the kitchen to have my breakfast. But I opened the refrigerator door to find absolutely nothing. I forgot that I haven't restock the supplies.

"I'll just have something from the school canteen" I thought to myself.

My stepdad or my driver would usually send me to school. But my parents aren't around and I hesitate to ring my driver. So, just like the past few days, I took out my bicycle from the garage and got ready to go. The bicycle was something I received from my stepdad, actually. My real dad left me and my mum when I was just 6. And I realized that 10 years had already passed since he left. I'm now 16- well, I'll be 17 in a few months. Pretty fucked up, now that I think about it. Either way, I hopped on my bicycle and started pedaling my way to school.

I go to a private high school 20 minutes away from my house. School is honestly physical therapy for me, I feel away from all my worries and It keeps off bad thoughts. The school provides a huge campus filled with all necessaries students need. In fact, I'm in the chess club and soccer team at school. I also ran for student council but unfortunately, didn't get in. They said I was too cold and unresponsive for a role like that.

I arrive at school and settled my bicycle in the students parking lot. Just as I arrived, my best friend Takato came running to me, jumping on me from behind.

"THERE YOU ARE!" yelled Takato as he forcefully slapped my back from behind. "You're a bit late today. Doesn't matter. Now, that you're here, there's something I want you to help me with" he exclaimed.

Of course I had no choice, I can't refuse but really I'm not in the mood. Takato started "Remember that girl I told you about the other day? She's here at our school again- like- right now! So-" without even finishing his sentence, he grabbed my hand and dragged me behind a dusty concrete wall to spy on his "crush". What's his problem?

"There she is. Just stand still and stay here.. Watch me talk to her" said Takato as he walked away from the wall we were hiding behind and towards the girl, but just as he was still walking towards her, he tripped on his own shoe lace, embarrassing himself. Fucking Moron.

I couldn't even look at him, just then I walked away from the scene and entered the hallways by myself. "Shit, I'm already late for homeroom." I said to myself as I walk calmly to class. I got in the class, everyone stop to look at me.

"Sit down Hanazawa," demanded my homeroom teacher quietly. I did as he said and they stopped staring.

"As you all know, it's Halloween tomorrow and I'm pretty sure you kids are planning something big! And as your teacher, I request you to keep parties lowkey at night. Meaning big invitation announcements aren't allow or straight to the office you go. School hours are as usual so please be sure to attend all your classes and no skips. Either way, that's all I have to say, have a good day." the homeroom teacher shared with the class.

Whatever he said was no concern for me, it's not like I'd attend any parties as if I had any friends aside from Takato.

Homeroom ended and I walk my way to my next class, Biology. I got a seat and quietly stare at the open window to my left. Suddenly, someone slapped me from behind, once again, it was Takato. "Dude, you won't believe what just happened. I- I think she likes me back .. She invited me to her Halloween party tomorrow night! Aren't you happy for me? She's totally into me!" exclaimed the delusional idiot. "Oh and, she said I could bring a friend along. So.. you're coming with me. Right, Eric? Be a good wingman, won't you?" he went on.

"No." a simple word, "No.", I didn't even hesitate.

"PLEASE ERIC, THIS IS MY ONLY CHANCE WITH A CHICK AND- WELL- you're a good looking dude and I'm sure you know some things about girls! Please Eric. I'LL EVEN PAY FOR YOUR LUNCH FOR A WEEK!" he begged.

"I don't need your money" I sighed, "but since you want me to come along that bad, then I will. Just promise to keep me out of your nonsense."

"Thank you!" he replied. "Oh and that means costumes, by the way."

"Wait, what?"

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