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After lunch, I say my goodbyes and Sarah turns to me, "Actually River, would you like to hang out with me?" She pauses for a moment, "I can show you around and help you get to know some people." she speaks, sounding eager to have me go with her.

"I mean yeah I have nothing better to do and it's so nice outside." I say, feeling the blazing heat on my skin. "We can take my car." I say before Sarah comes along with me.

We walk over to my house, the familiarity of her presence hitting me, not making anything uncomfortable between us.

"I see you've caught my brothers' eyes." She half joked and then paused "I think Rafe remembers you from childhood..he was telling me about how he added you last night." She then looks at me, "Yeah he did and he scared me when I first got here, taking my boxes into my house."

"Typical Rafe, he's always scaring everybody" She chuckles.

We get to my house and I type in the passcode.


My birthday. I only crashed a couple days before I turned 10. I've never liked my birthday as I get that memory of crashing and waking up in the hospital every July 19th.

The day that my life completely changed.

The day I lost most of my childhood memories.

I open the door slowly and walk over to the accent table that holds my keys and my wallet. I grab them and unlock my car door.

I put the roof down and turn the key into the ignition, Sarah getting into the passenger seat. I get a notification on my phone and wondering who that could be, I open it.

1 new add on Snapchat

"How much do you wanna bet that's Myles?" Sarah lets out a laugh, and I too. "I wouldn't be surprised"

I hand her my phone to type wherever she wants to take me into the map.

The other side of town.

"Where are we going?" I question and she smirks,

"You'll see."


I pull into this old chateau, seeing a van is already parked here, "Oh! They must already be here then!" She states. I put my car into park and Sarah steps out of the car.

I too, step out of my car and follow behind her.

We walk into this chateau, looking like no parents ever come here and just teenagers.

I follow Sarah into what seems to be the living room.

I scan my eyes finding a blonde boy, a curly headed girl, a brunette boy, and a curly headed boy, all sitting there passing a joint.

I've never smoked-- that's a lie. I used to smoke when I was about 15 but soon after stopped with the thought of my parents disappointment in me. Although my father never stops drinking, he wouldn't want me to end up like him mentally.

The blonde jumps to his feet and exclaims, "The new girl's here!" I smile awkwardly and he skips over to me, passing me the joint.

A thousand thoughts race through my head as I think, One or two puffs won't hurt right?

I take the joint and puff on it twice, making me cough since I'm not a smoker and quickly pass it back to the boy.

Desire, Drugs, & Destruction - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now