the edge

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(This story is a redo)

Lucy was having the same nightmare, she woke up really sweaty and was scared, she relizes it was just a dream  , she got her phone and seen it was only 4am so she got ready , after that she drove to the top of a cliff and sat on it singing

Lucy- stars shinin bright above you, night breezes seem to whisper "I love u" , birds singing in the Sycamore tree, dream a little dream of me
Man- uhh miss are u ok
Lucy- Mhm just thinking

The man moved back and called the police, Angela and Tim were doing some early shifts and got patched through

Tim- copy that

He drives them there and they both get out and slowly approach the young looking woman sat on the edge of the cliff, she slowly stood up and stood a bit closer to the edge but as she did Tim and Angela got a glimpse of her face

Both- Lucy?
Lucy- shit, uhh hey sir, hi ma'am
Tim- BOOT what are u doing on the edge of the cliff
Lucy- nothing

Both started moving closer so Lucy stepped back even more

Lucy- don't come any closer
Tim- boot that's enough step away from the edge
Lucy- no

He steps a bit closer and Angela steps back, she went to the shop and called additional help to be at that bottom of the cliff, they ended up getting a landing pad put there so she has a soft landing if she jumps

Lucy- I SAID STAY BACK , I can't be near anyone, Caleb is always with them, I can see Caleb with u
Tim- he's not with us I promise u
Lucy- yes he is
Angela- Lucy, do u trust me
Lucy- Mhm
Angela- listen, ik he hurt u, he took u, he tortured u, but we killed him, if u kys your only gonna be with him
Lucy- no

She moves closer to them but turns around and starts to run for the edge and Tim and Angela go to grab her but she jumps

angela- shit
Tim- she's gonna die
Angela- no she won't there's a bounce pad down there

They both drive down and see Lucy bleeding on the face , she was sat in and ambulance and got out after being cared for

lucy- can't believe u had this put down here

She heads for her car but Tim stops her

Tim- no your not going anywhere, Angela will drive your car to the station, your coming with me
Lucy- no

Angela takes her keys and drives away, Tim had to carry her into the shop so he did that and got in the other side and locked the doors , Lucy was crying a lot so Tim pulled over

Tim- what's wrong Lucy
Lucy- I don't wanna be here
Tim- why
Lucy- everywhere I look I see Caleb
Tim- he's dead, look if u need anyone u have me, grey, Lopez, Nolan, west, I wouldn't recommend Bishop but u also have Anderson
Lucy- I know but everyone had there own problems
Tim- can I say, if u died I would be very sad so would everyone else u know

what if lucy had suicidal thoughts after caleb REDOWhere stories live. Discover now