Start from the beginning

Kokoshibous technique changed. It went from adaptive to brutal.

He began to attack nezuko with ferocity and power.

"Struck a nerve?" Nezuko said, jumping back.

Muzan frowned at the two and yelled.


The two stopped fighting and looked up at muzan.

"I will not have any demons dying. I want as much numbers and power as I can. So I will be giving all of you more blood, as well as every demon."

The upper moons kept stayed silent for a moment.

"Yes master muzan."

Muzan turned around and snapped his fingers.

Thousands of demons began to fall all around the area.

Muzan looked around at all them as they wondered where they were.

Muzan summoned his tendrils and began to pump the demons full of his blood.

Many disintegrated into a pile of mush, while the rest grew much more powerful.

Muzan frowned at the demons.

"Such useless worms."

As he walked, he stopped and turned to Nezuko.

She was going around talking to the other demons like a child.

Muzan had a smile perk up.

"Except you."

He continued walking to his office as the demons got a feel for their new power.

"Now is the time, Ubuyashiki. Now is the time where I find and kill you and your worthless demon slayers."

Tanjiro walked through the corridors of the butterfly mansion.

It was quiet and stale.

He could smell humans and now demons in and around it.

Tanjiro turned the corner and walked into the kitchen.

He smelled the air and smelled something delicious.

He turned and saw a beautiful piece of beef.

He walked over to it and cut a small piece off.

He tasted it, and his eyes went wide.

It was amazing. It was better than anything he had ever tasted.

He got a small bowl of rice and began to eat.

He hadn't eaten human food in months. Almost a year.

As he ate, he heard a small whisper.

He looked around and couldn't find anyone.

He kept eating and heard it again.

He stood up quickly.

"I hear you."

3 girls were looking at Tanjiro through the window of the kitchen.

He quickly moved behind them and crossed his arms.

"I wonder where he went?" He said behind them.

The three girls jump because of his voice.

"Now, why are you three spying on me?"

The little girls didn't know what to say.

"Come on now, it's late. Let's get you three to bed."

The girls didn't move. They were shaking on the account of his appearance.

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