Chapter 5: Distraction

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Out in the town square, Ballister and (Y/n) were hiding in an alley, looking around at all the flying hovercrafts that were passing over the sky. Ever since the fiasco at the palace, security has doubled and knights were crawling all over the place.

Ballister turned to (Y/n). "Okay, we just have to get to the market and find the squire without drawing atte—."

Nimóne suddenly jumped down as a cat as knocked over a bunch of bottles.

"Will you be quiet?!" Ballister hissed.

"Counterpoint. Your plan sucks, and it's boring." Nimóne criticized. "Where's the drama? Where's the screams of terror? We're villains. Embrace it."

"No." Ballister insisted. "We're doing this my way. No one gets hurt."

Nimóne sighed. "I was going for the hurting people version."

"Just find the squire so we can question him."

"And then hurt him."

"No. And then find the proof."

"By hurting him."

"No! Can we just get to the market please?"

Nimóne shifted back into himself. "Roger that." Wings suddenly appeared on his back. "Next flight to the market leaves in three..."

"No. What are you doing?"


Nimóne was about to fly out into the open with his wings when he felt a tug on his hand. He looked down and saw that (Y/n) grasped his hand in hers to pull him back.

"Nimóne, we're trying to be inconspicuous here. And you going out into the market with giant dragon wings isn't very inconspicuous." She pointed out.

Nimóne pouted. "But this is quality side kicking stuff."

"I know, and they're super cool, believe me. But maybe we should keep the wings as more of an...element of surprise. You know, in case we need to make a quick getaway?" She suggested.

Nimóne thought for a moment before huffing and crossing his arms like a child, but he put his wings away. "Fine...but seriously, what's the worst that could happen?"

Suddenly, an alarm started blaring all over the city.


One of the giant screens on the buildings in the market changes to a video broadcast of the Director.

"Citizens of the realm, hello. In light of yesterday's horrific attack on the Institute, we are taking every precaution to keep you safe."

Up on the walls surrounding the kingdom, giant weapons pointing out into the area outside the wall activated.

"Don't be alarmed. This is only a test. Go about your normal lives and rest assured that the Institute has this situation well at hand. Good day, and may Gloreth guide you always."

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