- 1. Rune -

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I've been sitting in a box for the past five minutes, surrounded by darkness, as I suddenly feel the box I am in start to move. A feeling of fear washes over me as I sit in the corner, holding myself up so I won't hurt myself. I have no idea where I am or who I am. The only thing i can remember is my name, Rune.

It doesn't take long until the box stops moving and a loud sound rings in my ears, before two heavy looking stone plates move away from above me, shining the sunlight into the box, illuminating my surroundings. I take in the box in general, and the smaller boxes with the imprints "W.C.K.D" on them which are stacked neatly in the box I am sitting in. And I have no idea how they stayed like that and didn't fall onto me.

Suddenly, I am ripped out of my thoughts as several boys surround the box from above, looking down at me like an animal in a public zoo. I look back at them, squinting my eyes to adjust to the sunlight. Confusion, fear, and anger - all these emotions run through my veins, all at once.

Two of the boys jump onto the box, opening the grey metal cage doors, while the other boys are laughing and whispering amongst each other. Some look scared, others angry, some of them look confused, and some even look kind of happy. The taller one of the two boys jumps into the box, making a loud sound, causing me to pull my legs up to my chest, a bit of fear crossing my face. I refuse to look at anyone, too embarrassed and shy to face a single person.

"Hey there, greenie. Rise and shine." The boy smirks and crouches down in front of me, his eyes piercing right into my soul, and I feel my face heating up, and I don't know if it's from embarrassment, anger or just because i am flustered. As he sees that i won't answer him, he raises my chin with his index finger, forcing me to look at him and his brown eyes. I can now see that he is an Asian and looks kinda good, but like a typical fuck boy.
"Getting flustered now, greenie?" His voice is taunting me, i obviously notice it, and my eyes grow cold.
"Don't call me that!" Anger overcomes me, and I smack his hand away, making him and the boys gasp in shock and surprise.
"She's a feisty one, for sure." One of the boys snickers from above, and the boy crouching in front of me laughs.
"What should I call you then? Sweetheart? Love? Darling? Or or would you like princess more?" A smirk forms on his face, and he lets go off my chin and stands back up, crossing his arms over his cheat as he looks down at me.

Again, I feel myself getting red, so i look down out of embarrassment. I can't bring myself to answer and just pout, wanting him to stop teasing me, but at the same time, I kinda liked it, and this is what actually scares me right now. We stay like this for some seconds until another voice echoes through the place.

"Stop teasing the girl, Minho." The boy says sternly, he looks rather serious and more like the leader of that whole place.
"God, you're no fun, Alby!" The boy in front of me groans, annoyed, and gets out of the box, leaving me here, confused.

The sterner looking boy gets into the box and looks down at me. He crouches down and tilts his head to his side, as if he is studying me. I can't quite make out what he is thinking about me, but I honestly don't care either because I just wanna know where I am and why I am here.

"Hey, sorry about that, Minho is rather, well let's say he hasn't seen a girl in a long time - like all of us, but he has always been around girls before he got here, so I think he just wanted to impress you or something." He shrugs his shoulders and looks at me.
"I- it's fine. Nothing happened." I laugh a bit, shy and embarrassed, but I try to cover it by looking down.

He just looks at me and nods while i keep my gaze on my shoes, unable to face anyone. Unlike Minho, he has a now kinder expression on his face. A blonde boy suddenly speaks up. He sounds annoyed, like everything in his entire life annoys and angers him.

"God, just show her around. She's nothing special just because she's a girl!" The anger and annoyance in his voice is obvious to everyone.
"Leave us alone, Newt." The guy in front of me speaks. He looks back at me.
"I am Alby, by the way. And this -" he points to the annoyed guy, "is Newt, second in command." Alby looks at me and smiles a bit, i smile back at him, a bit shy.

Alby stands up and gets out of the box, helping me out. As I get onto my feet, the boys all look at me, and i feel my face heating up once again. I wear just plain flared jeans and a beige t-shirt, so nothing special, but i think it's because, like Alby said, none of them has seen a girl in a long time.

"I almost forgot, what's your name, greenie?" His tone shifts to a neutral one as he stops in front of me.
"Rune." I answer shortly, looking at him. A small smile is seen on his face.
"That's a really beautiful name, Rune." His eyes soften slightly.
"Thank you, I-" I am cut off by Newt, as he groans in annoyance.
"Thank you." He mocks me and rolls his eyes as he crosses his arms over his chest in an annoyed and angry gesture.
"Fuck off, Newt." Alby snaps at him and Newt actually just goes away, mumbling to himself about something.

I hope y'all like it, and I hope it isn't too short. If so, just tell me, and I'll try to make longer chapters!! AND PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, TELL ME HOW IT WAS🙏🙏

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