♡Chapter 1: Unknown places, known people♧ (part 1)

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♧Wyatt's POV






Pure blackness..All is see is pure blackness













"Hey, are you awake?"



"Let's just leave him alone to sleep, it wouldn't matter"



"Angel! That's so mean, quick wake him up!"













I got greeted by getting shaken roughly by someone. I slowly opened my eyes to see a person above me. She looks....familiar?

"Wyatt! Are you okay? We were so worried!" Is that....Yia? Last time I saw her, she had blonde hair but..now she has....red hair?

"Yia...? You look...different" I said in a confusing accent, Yia looked a bit surprised and chuckled. 

"I knew you would say that!" Yia Yushi was the ultimate baker...

[Yia Yushi]

[Ultimate Baker]




[Likes: Cakes]

[Dislikes: messed up recipes]

[Red hair]

[green eyes]

She was always a bright ball of sunshine and made everyone feel better, including me which I found weird.

"Wyatt, you sound way different now! You used to have a calm voice a lot but now you have a squeaky voice, so funny!" She said with no fucking hesitation. Someone walked over behind her.

"Yia, that's a bit rude don't you think?" We were greeted by Oliver Netherfell, the ultimate bad luck 

[Oliver Netherfell]

[Ultimate bad luck]



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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