No Rest for the Living

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Now I'm sure you're wondering, "Hey, Justan, what's this? Aren't you supposed to be working on Shattering the Stars?" Yes, I am, but I had a really cute idea involving Link and Romani, and with a friend allowing me to use her artwork as a cover, I figured, why not?

So this story takes place in between The Fierce God Given Life and A Terminian and the Twilight of Danger, showing Link adjusting more to his new life away from all the fighting. This is purely a little passion project, and I assure you, Shattering the Stars is still being worked on! Besides, I'm experimenting with a slightly different writing style. Anyways, please enjoy!

Life In Termina
Chapter 1: No Rest for the Living

The lobby of the Stock Pot Inn was completely still, not a soul in sight. It was one of those rare days that the Inn was closed, and fortunately, it lined up perfectly with a certain event that transpired just a day ago. The Battle of Ikana Canyon. There, a boy in green and his friends had managed to finally best that horrid, robed tyrant known as The Garo Master. However, now, he felt like he had been born again, a new dawn shining down on his tired soul.

          "I'm gonna get you!" A woman's voice echoed through the stairwell. The sound came from the room on the top floor known as the 'Knife Chamber', the door wide open. A fit of giggles came from both her voice and two others, both boys. Together, all three of their voices rang out in a familial harmony.

          "AH! No, please!" Link almost squealed, trying to resist the urge to burst out into laughter at the sensation of being tickled. Anju was covering his left side, Kafei his right, and he was rendered more helpless than he had been against any foe.

          "Nope, you know how much we love that laugh," Kafei smirked as he poked and prodded Link's hips, that being the most sensitive part of his body. The twelve-year-old's resolve to power through the tickle attack finally shattered, and he chuckled heartily.

          "There we go," Anju sat up on Link's bed, smiling, "Now was that so hard, honey?"

          "N-No..." Link said slowly, catching his breath.

          Then there was a small knock, faint, but still audible. Link's face lit up as he realized who it must be. Quickly he hopped off his bed and bolted out the room. Anju and Kafei could hear him practically running down the stairs to get to the lobby. The two parents just looked at each other and chuckled, Link's eagerness meaning only one thing.

          "Grasshopper!" A heavenly sound called out as soon as the front door to the Inn opened. Before Link stood one of his closest friends, Romani, alongside her older sister, Cremia. A wave of warmth enveloped his heart as he watched her enter, smiling at him, her crystal blue eyes sparkling.

          "R-Romani!" Link said bashfully. Cremia stifled her own laughter, knowing exactly how Link felt every time he saw Romani. It was no secret that they were more than friends, those two tweens.

          "How are you? Are you doing well? You didn't send a letter last night!" Romani was so used to getting Link's letters every night, and she always made sure to write so that he'd get one from her the next morning.

          "Y-Yeah, sorry about that, I was just... really tired," Link rubbed the back of his neck and sat down on the green bench that faced the lobby's reception desk. Romani plopped herself right next to him, scooting close.

          "No worries! Romani was pretty tired too..." Romani hated to admit that she was exhausted, but it was true for everyone. Her, Link, Jim, Skull Kid, and the Clock Town Guard, all suffered a few, or in some cases, large wounds after the battle with the Garo. "But she wasn't going to forget our sleepover we planned!"

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