Chapter 1

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[Location: Sabaody Archipelago]

The Strawhats were looking for a craftsman who could their ship, so they could use the Fishman island route to enter the New World.

The Crew separated into different groups, and one of them consisted of Luffy, Chopper and Brook who were guided by Hatchan, Cammy and Pappug. They entered Shakky's Rip Off Bar but didn't encounter the craftsman Rayleigh, instead they talked with Shakky.

Brook: "If he's not here, then our only option is to go look for him. Do you know he might be?" Brook said after Shakky told them that the man they were looking for wasn't her bar at the time and wouldn't return for awhile.

Shakky: Hmm... He's probably somewhere in #1 to #29, if I had to guess..." Shakky said telling them where he might be.

Chopper: "Groves #1 through #29..." Chopper said remembering something he heard about those area's. "That's the lawless territory!" He said remembering what he heard.

Shakky: "He's notorious, too. He can't relax with the Marines keeping watch... And let's see... Another area he's fond of is Sabaody Park.

Luffy: "The amusement park?! Alright let's look there!" Luffy said wanting to go the amusement park.

Lufft, Brook, Chopper: "Yahoo!" The three them cheered.

Cammy: "Yay! Amusement park!" Cammy cheered alongside the three pirates.

Pappug: "Cammy! Stop that1" He said trying to get her to stopped but was unsuccessful.

Luffy,Brook,Chopper,Cammy: "Amusement park! Amusement park! Amusement park!" The four continued to cheer.

Shakky: "In any case, be careful, wherever you end up looking." Shakky said catching their attention. "According to my information network, including you, there are now 14 people on the Sabaody Archipelago whose bounties exceed 100 million Berries." Shakky said shocking everyone in the bar.

Chopper: "14 people with bounties over 100 million?!" Chopper said a socked face.

Shakky: "Yes. Excluding Monkey-chan and Roronoa-chan, that still leaves eleven. When you entered the Grand Line, you chose one of seven routes and followed you Log all the way here." Shakky said.

Luffy: "Yeah" Luffy relied to Shakky.

Shakky: "So, naturally, there are others who took one of the other six routes and had to overcome many difficulties Similar to your to get here. All routes run into the Red Line, so everyone gathers on this archipelago to cross that wall. Understand? It's not everyday that so many of the world's rookies all show up at the same time, through... Especially Kid, Luffy, Hawkings, Drake, Law and Lucius... These names showed up in the news paper all the time." Shakky explained to them about the different routes.

Luffy: "I don't read the newspapers." Luffy said revealing he doesn't know any of the pirates on the archipelago.

Shakky: "Information is a weapon. Shouldn't you at least learn the names of your rivals?" Shakky questioned Luffy.

Chopper: "Let's see... Kid, Hawkins, and... Drake, was it?" He tried to remember the names she said and failed to get them all.

Shakky: "In terms of bounty amounts... you'd be #3." Shakky said revealing that Luffy has the third highest bounty.

Chopper: "There's two people worth more Luffy?! On these islands?!" Chopper screamed slamming his paws on the table.

[Grove #24 - Restaurant]

"Look at her eat!" A customer murmured.

"Where does all that food go?!" Another customer spoke looking at a pink haired woman in shock as she was devouring all the food placed on her table in a grossly exaggerated manner.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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