Judging Criteria

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This chapter is for judges and the participants to know more about the judging criteria -

- Judges should read as much chapter needed to make a strong opinion about the book (preferably read the whole book/or till updated)

- Judges would be given a certain amount of time/deadline in which they have to submit their respective judgement/opinion

- The book should be rated overall (including grammar, vocabulary, cover and aesthetic of the book along with the plotline and story of the book)

- The judge of the respective genre, will submit their opinion/judgement of the book in my DM to me personally and shouldn't disclose anything to the participant

- The judges should give a short overall review of the book along with the rating they would give to the book
(Rating should be given out of 10)

- Judges shouldn't accept any kind of bribe and inform me, the host of the award right away if any such things occur

- As soon as the judges are alloted with their respective books to be judged, if possible they should start their work

- Before the deadline, I would personally sent the judges a message as a reminder

Please note-

- Your books review would be posted but your books rating won't be posted, it would be just for me to know

- Judges if any of your participants troubles you then please inform

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