White Lies

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Texas Thunderbolt reached the Solomon Islands, where an escaped convict told him about a white castaway who died soon after his rescue. The outlaw showed the first PoC special investigator of the American government and Plenipotentiary General of the French revolutionary government objects of French provenance. It was quickly proven that the items were neither from the Astrolabe nor the Boussole.

Thunderbolt was looking for these missing research ships. He discovered battle paintings on stripped human skin. He studied the scarifications of brigands. Among the many white lies circulating was this: A thirst for blood and a thirst for revenge were considered noble in these latitudes. A face disfigured by rage was considered beautiful. The heads and limbs of enemies were passed on to good friends. In battle, people drank the blood shooting from wounds in a hurry. Canoes were impregnated with blood.

None of this was confirmed by Insiders. 

Souvenir of Disaster

No missionary could feel safe. This was the conclusion reached by John Hunter, the second governor of New South Wales, in his account of 1794. He referred to Thunderbolt, who, strangely enough, claimed the German-African prince's son Berman von Pechstein as his guarantor. Later travelers described the situation in the Solomon Islands quite differently. They met peoples of paradisiacal goodness.

A bell, which had undoubtedly been cast in Brest, was then sent to France as a souvenir of disaster. Thunderbolt visited Bougainville. He traveled to the Îles de la Société. They were discovered and forgotten several times. The first description was provided by Pedro Fernández de Quirós in 1606. The Portuguese took tough action against an easily appeased population. Quirós was disconcerted by the quick willingness to give in and forgive. Thunderbolt also noted the good-naturedness.

Quirós believed himself to be within reach of the terra australis incognita, which Ptolemy had considered certain. Quirós founded Nova Jerusalem on the Island territory of Vanuatu. Many land acquisitions were coupled with the colonists' expectations of salvation. The idea of once again finding a world pleasing to God in the southern hemisphere (under a new heaven) came from older sources.  

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