Finished Part 1.3

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 I started writing this story years ago, maybe in '20-'21. In it, I describe the end of the story that Pilot introduced. That is, it seemed to me that it was leading up to...

 Somehow I felt then that I can clearly see where this story should go. Well... Now that the 1st official season is over, I feel like there's no point in deluding myself that she saw it at all.(Unless she chose the option I offered to say this prayer:,,Hear me, Lord God, and be merciful to his forsaken soul, as I now vow to execute the very opposite of all the things he has with given upon me. O my God, relying on Thine almighty power, I hope to obtain the Help of Thy Grace!'' In other words, everything can be from her story, but NOT this.) I emailed this ,,1. finished part'' to VivziePop years ago. At that time, I hoped that if I wrote this and she would read it, she would also see that ,,I am right'', the LORD had sent me to her and she'd enthusiastically hires me as a co- or auditional writer. XD

Hm... :D

 Unfortunately, I didn't think that, nowadays, only an idiot opens an email sent from an unknown address. Just as I didn't think that Vivienne only selects from those fan theories/works into the canon that most of her fans also love and know. And I didn't even think that the result of all my efforts and benevolent work could be nothing! But I didn't think at all of what he came up with in the end. For all those bad decisions...


 First of all, I'm sorry. At the very least,but I'm already sorry that I didn't contact her on Twitter because I wasn't willing to sign up for another platform and learn how to use it just for that reason. I'm sorry I didn't come here as soon as I was done with so much, about 2 years ago. I'm sorry I did not announcing anywhere in the community that "Nearer, My God, to Thee" with the choreography of the -BYU Vocal Point ft.BYU Men's Chorus- performance is too perfect a final musical insert in this story to not happen.(As it turns out, it's too perfect to happen.) I'm sorry that by doing so I took away even the smallest chance(1%) of our viraly creator noticing this. And I'm sorry I'm still not done with it! After getting 0 feedback, my enthusiasm kind of waned. But my biggest regret is that maybe that's why this story turned out the way it is now. Not bad. But not good either. Not enough... Just because I couldn't reach her in time ...

 So I'm turning to you now. Hoping that at least thanks to you, I'll scratch myself enough to completely write out the answers to those questions about this story/world that only I seem to want to know. Hoping that some of you, at all like my writing and let it know with me. Hoping that maybe thanks to you it will finally get to her('cause you keep sending her this or asking about my work until she notices or I don't know). And since it would officially be a miracle ('cause it's impossible) for this to be realized with synchronized actors and animation, I only hope that she will at least give her opinion on it. Maybe this is realistic enough to happen. And I hope it'll be more complex than "Religious shit" and longer than "Fukin' religious shit". By the way, this is what I hope from everyone who shares their opinion with me. And I hope we might make each other even better, who knows.

 (Although I'm putting this in the public domain, because I don't own anything from it, but I'm asking you, dear reader, to let me know if I've inspired you to do anything, or if you'd like to make something from this. Because then I'll send it to you in a Word document. It looks much better there.)

 Besides that, thank you for devoting your valuable time to me and to this, if you do.

 Either way, have fun. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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