Chapter 9: The Marshal

Start from the beginning

Koresh groaned as he dangled by his foot. "Tatooine."


"The Mando I know off lives on Tatooine."

Mando's gaze was sharp, even though his helmet. "I've spent much time on Tatooine. I never saw a Mandalorian there."

"My information is good, I tell you." Koresh swore. "The city of Mos Pelgo. I swear it by the Gotra."

Mando nodded. "Tatooine it is then." He began to walk away, Elaine and the Child on his heels.

"Wait, Mando!" Gor pleaded. "You can't leave me like this. Cut me down!"

"That wasn't part of the deal." Mando turned and shot the street lamp, and the red eyes appeared. Elaine gripped tightly on to Mando as she heard Got Koresh scream.

As if sensing her discomfort, Mando placed his hand on her back, ushering her forward and comforting her.


When they arrived on Tatooine, the clan was met with a familiar sight of Peli shooing away her droids. "Sorry, gang. Come on. You know he doesn't like droids."

Mando looked at the Razor Crest and shrugged. "May as well let them have at it. The Crest needs a good once-over."

Peli looked a bit surprised. "Oh! So he likes droids now. Well, you heard him. Give it a once over." She chuckled as her droids set to work. "I guess a lot has changed since you were last in Mos–" Her cut herself off when Elaine peeked out from behind Mando with a smile, and Mando himself moved his satchel to reveal the Child sitting in it. "Oh! Thank the Force! These little ones had me worried sick." She picked up the Child. "Come here, you little womp rat."

Mando smiled beneath his helmet as Peli fawned over the Child. "Looks like it remembers me. How much do you want for it? Just kidding. But not really. You know, if this thing ever divides or buds, I will gladly pay for the offspring."

Peli turned to scold her droids. "Hey! Oh, jeez! Watch what you're doing up there. He barely trusts your kind. You want to give all droids a bad name? Thank you!"

After IG sacrificed himself to save them, Mando had a slight change of heart towards droids. But he agreed with Peli. If they messed up his ship they were asking for a blaster to their central processing unit. "I'm here on business. I need your help."

Peli turned back to him. "Oh, then, business, you shall have. Care for me to watch these wrinkled and horned critters while you seek out adventure?"

"I've been quested to bring them back to their kinds."

Peli chuckled. "Oh, wow. I can't help you there. I've never seen anything like them. And trust me, I've seen all shapes and sizes in this town."

"A Mandalorian Armorer has set me on my path." He told her. "If I can locate another of my kind, I can chart a path through a network of coverts."

"You've been the only Mando here for years from what I can tell." Peli said.

"Where's Mos Pelgo?" Mando asked. "I'm told there's one there."

Peli bit her lip. "Oh. Boy, I haven't heard that name in a while."

"It's not on any of the maps."

"Because it was wiped out by bandits." Said Peli. "Once the Empire fell, it was a free-for-all. I didn't dare leave the city walls. Still don't."

"Can you tell me where it used to be?" Mando asked.

"R5! Bring me the map of  Tatooine!" Peli shouted, causing both Elaine and Mando the flinch. The droid rolled over slowly. "No, take your time. Seriously." Peli turned back to them. "You just can't get good help anymore. I don't even know who to complain to."

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