Meeting the First Human + Lust Ring

Start from the beginning

Lucifer: Also, just to warn you, Adam is a massive douche bag. He'll try to get under your skin, don't let it happen.

Me: Yes sir... wait did you say "Adam"-

He opens a door, and I see a white, gold, and grey Angel sitting down eating ribs.

Adam: Took you long enough.

Me: Oh, yeah, I see it now.

Adam: C'mon man, you're wasting my time!

Lucifer: Adam, Lute.

Lute: Lucifer Morningstar.

We sit down, and Adam continues to eat his ribs.

Adam: Oh yeah, this is the good shit.

Me: Uh... are we gonna-

Adam: Wait wait wait, who the fuck is this?

Lucifer: This is my right hand, (y/n).

Lute: That mask...

Me: Hm?

Lute: Nothing.

Adam: "The Great Lucifer" needs a right hand. How the might do fall, and you would know a lot about that, huh?

Lucifer balls his fist. I breath in deeply and out through my mouth, and prepare myself for what I'm about to do.

Me: Adam, this is a meeting, stop going off course.

Adam: Who the fuck said YOU could talk to me that way?

He got onto the table and bent down to look at me.

Me: Do you want me to answer honestly, or do you want me to stroke your ego.

Lucifer stifled a laugh, as Adam frowned and walked back to his seat.

Adam: Okay you prick, tell me, why are we here at this meeting?

Lucifer: He doesn't-

Me: You have been killing hell born, that wasn't in the deal that Lucifer and the High Seraphim made. You need to keep your army in check, or else something bad could happen.

They all stare at me.

Lucifer:... Shit kid you did your research. I didn't even know that was happening.

Me: Yeah, Tex, and Kiki have been talking to me about it. Some of there imp friends were almost killed by exterminators.

Adam: So what, a couple imps die, who cares.

Me: The people who made the contract, dumbass.

Adam: Ohohoho, you did not just say that!

Me: I did, what are you going to do about?

Adam: What am I going to do about it?

He smiles sadistically.

Adam: We could start going after royals, the other rings, everyone in hell. What are you going to do then? Huh?

Lucifer: Adam!

Adam: Kidding kidding.

He glares at me.

Me: 'He isn't' Well on topic of other rings. One of your girls was spotted in the Lust ring.

Lucifer's eyes widen.

Adam: And how can you prove that!?

I reach into my bag and take out a folder, handing it to Lucifer.

Me: Take a look, sir.

(+18) Royal Guard (Hazbin/Helluva x Male Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now