{JenLisa} - you feel left out (requested)

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"Why are you sitting over here on your own rather than with your girlfriends?" Jisoo asked as she took a seat beside you.

"Because I'm invisible." You sighed. "All day they've been doing this."

"Doing what?" Rosie asked as she joined you and Jisoo.

"They've been more into each other than they have me. When you both asked if we all should go for a swim, Jennie grabbed Lisa's hand and hurried upstairs to change. When Lisa was eating a snack earlier, she sat down on Jennie's lap and offered her some but not me. They hold hands, they share cheek and forehead kisses... they just don't even notice me."

"I'm sure they're not leaving you out on purpose, though I can see why you could feel like they are," Jisoo said. "But we see how they look at you and we hear how they talk about you. Trust me, you're important to them."

"Do you want to know what I would do if I were you, Y/N?" Rosie asked, to which you nodded. "Talk to them. Tell them how you feel."

You were just about to reply, your lips parting and the words on the tip of your tongue, when you saw that Lisa and Jennie were about to share a kiss in the water.

You shook your head as you got up and left the pool room before hurrying upstairs to the bedroom.

Jennie and Lisa had heard the door close and had caught a glimpse of you rushing off and they looked over at Jisoo and Rosie in confusion.

"What's wrong with Y/N? Where's she going?" Lisa asked as she and Jennie got out of the water.

"She says she's been feeling left out," Rosie replied. "Her feelings were pretty hurt when she left and she saw you two about to kiss."

"We should go talk to her," Jennie said as she looked at Lisa in sadness.

"I think that's a good idea. We're going to head out and let the three of you be." Jisoo said.

Jennie and Lisa dried off a little before they headed up the stairs as they waved goodbye to Rosie and Jisoo, promising to hang out again in a couple of days.

Upon reaching the bedroom, they noticed that the door was open just a tiny bit and they peeked inside to find you lying on your side with your back facing them.

Your shoulders shook slightly and they knew you had to be crying and the realization caused their hearts to sink deeper in their chests.

"Y/N? Can we talk to you, baby?" Jennie asked.

"Why?" You sniffled as you turned over to look at them. "Wouldn't you two rather go back down to swim and kiss some more? Without me?"

"No." Lisa quickly answered as she sat down beside you.

"Y/N, we love you so much. We never meant to make you feel left out." Jennie spoke as she sat beside you, on your other side.

"That's not how it felt to me earlier. You two seem so happy together when it's just you."

"No, baby, that's not it at all. We love being together but as three." Lisa said as she rubbed your shoulder.

"That's not how it felt." You quietly said.

"We know now and we swear, we never meant to make you feel that way. There are three people in this relationship and it wouldn't work without any of us. You're so important to us, you don't even realize just how much you mean to us." Jennie softly spoke, gently tucking a lock of hair behind your ear.

"We don't have a reason why we were so caught up in each other but we swear, it wasn't intentional at all. We would never want you to feel like that and we truly are sorry. Because that was so wrong of us to do and we know how we'd feel if either of us were left out. But you mean the world to us."

You sighed as Lisa finished speaking before you nervously played with your fingers.

"Sometimes, I worry that you two are going to think it'll be better if it's just the two of you and you won't want me around anymore." You confessed.

And though your words were quiet because you were anxious to admit them, they heard you loud and clear.

"That could never and will never happen. We can promise you that right now." Jennie said as she squeezed your shoulder.

"I hate to break this to you but you're stuck with us. Forever." Lisa said as she playfully elbowed your side, making you smile. "You can't get rid of us even if you tried. We're not going anywhere."

"Promise?" You asked with worried eyes as you looked between them.

"We promise." They spoke in unison and squeezed your hands tightly.

"Good. Because I'm so in love with you both and I don't ever want to lose you."

"You will never lose us, not ever," Jennie whispered as she put her arms around you.

Lisa happily did the same, both of them starting to smile so brightly as they held you.

"Because we're in love with you too, so very in love," Lisa whispered as she kissed your head.

"And we won't ever let this happen again. We won't ever make you feel this way ever again. It shouldn't have happened in the first place and we're sorry that it did. Please forgive us?" Jennie spoke before her lips turned into a pout.

You looked at her and then at Lisa, watching with a smile as she pouted at you, too.

"I can't stay mad at you two for long." You said. "You're forgiven. Just because I love you both so much and I know you didn't mean anything by it."

"Not at all." Lisa quickly said.

"Can we cuddle you?" Jennie wondered as her lips brushed against your head.

"Only if you two change out of your bathing suits and into something else." You said, making them laugh.

"Deal!" Lisa grinned before she and Jennie got up to change.

And they kept looking back at you as they did so, all smiles upon seeing that you were watching them with a look of pure adoration in your eyes.

Oh, you had them wrapped around your finger.

And they weren't going anywhere; not now, not ever.

Because this is how it was meant to be; the three of you, forever and always.

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