Part 2: Arrival and Plotting

Start from the beginning

Henrik leaned towards his sister "Charming, ain't she?" He commented whispering in her ear, as she nodded with a concerned face, feeling sorry for her friend.

Ben nervously chuckles, and quickly trying to ease the tension spoke up. "This is Audrey."

Audrey quickly cut Ben off. "Princess Audrey. His girlfriend." Audrey smiled putting emphasis on the word "princess" as she placed her hand on Ben's wrist. "Right, Bennyboo?" Ben just smiled at her placing his hand on top of hers. Henrik made a quiet gagging sound which made Jay and Carlos quietly chuckle.

"Ben and Audrey are going to show you around, and I'll see you tomorrow. The doors of wisdom are never shut. But the library hours are from 8:00 to 11:00. And we you may have heard, I have a little thing about curfews." She noted, raising her brow, to which the VK's all laughed politely as she walks away bringing the band with her.

Ben grins widely, walking to Jay going to shake his hand. "It is so, so, so good to finally me-" he was cut off abruptly when Jay grabs his hand giving him a rough chest bump instead. Ben winced but kept his smile. "Meet you all. This is a momentous occasion..." he continued shaking Mal's hand, spending a few seconds longer to stare at her, clearly mesmerized by her before snapping out of his trance and moving on to Carlos. "And one that I hope will go down in history" Ben stopped as he looked at his hand after shaking Carlos's hand " that chocolate?" He asked to which Carlos just shrugged "As the day our two people..." he begins going to shake Henrik's hand but Henrik just slapped the front and back before giving a fist bump smiling at him, leaving Ben slightly confused. He ends on Evie, who quickly latches his hand. "Began to heal." He finishes.

"Or the day that you showed five people's where the bathrooms are." Mal retorted as her brother chuckled at the joke

"A little bit over the top?" He asked

"A little more than a little bit." Mal said, as they both chuckled. Henrik and Evie shared a look, smirking, knowing full well Ben had his eyes on Mal and maybe she was showing some interests in him.

"Well, so much for my first impression." Ben said jokingly, looking over at Mal as they both laughed with each other as they stare into each others eyes.

Audrey quickly broke the silence. "Hey! You two are Maleficent's son and daughter, aren't you?" She asks pointing at both Mal and Henrik. Henrik raised an eyebrow standing beside Mal as she just nods lightly. "Yeah, you know what? I totally do not blame you for your mother trying t kill my parents and stuff. Oh, my mom's Aurora. Sleeping..."

"Beauty. Yeah. we've heard the name. No need for the formality." Henrik said monotone clearly getting annoyed at Audrey.

Mal quickly jumped in with a retort "And we totally do not blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world, but our mother to their stupid christening." Mal adds, with a snark to her comment at Audrey, as tensions brewed between the two.

"Water under the bridge." Audrey said sarcastically

"Totes!" Mal replied with Henrik rolling his eyes close to losing his temper, as Audrey and Mal both sarcastically laughed. Audrey shifted her gaze to Henrik, who kept an emotionless expression trying not to lose his temper while flashing a sarcastic smile at her.

Ben quickly jumped in attempting to ease the tension, clapping his hands together "Okay! So, how about a tour? Yeah?" He said turning around and walking to the academy as the VKs followed behind him. "Auradon Prep. Originally built over 300 years ago and converted into a high school by my father when he become king." He spoke walking and giving the VK's a history of the high school and its founding.

The VKs walked around campus until they came across a statue of King Adam. "Wow. Very interesting statue." He said sarcastically. Ben smirked at him before looking at the statue clapping his hands and the statue morphed from Adam changing him into his beast form, causing Carlos to scream and jump into Jays arms cowering in fear. Henrik laughed as he then pointed at the statue "I change my mind, that is SO cool"

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