II - the descent down the mt. brings the anamnesis of at-hand acquaintances

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yay albedo and feyre memory chapter!!!


THE trek down the mountain was but a normal one at the most. Albedo took the initiative to stay squarely in front of Feyre, mayhaps to shield her from any open threats. Feyre, being behind her mentor, was able to admire him brazenly. His hair seemed so ... soft. Was it real? Or was it just synthetic, much like the rest of him? Albedo had informed the girl of his true nature not too long ago, while Feyre was working on bringing a sweet flower back to life. She was shocked, to say the least. Though, some part of her always felt off around him. Not in any major way to affect their relationship or how she viewed him, but just a small feeling in her gut. That the person she was talking to, the person she assisted, the person she was taught by, was in fact, not a real human. It sometimes made her feel uneasy whenever she thought about that night. The way his voice was unwavering as he revealed his deepest secrets to her, bared his entire being in front of her. The hushed whispers, the candid words, the fleeting touches. She shivered at the memory.

She wondered what it would be like to be aware that you were not truly alive—just...breathing. She felt a pang of pity in her heart for her mentor. She, herself, had not really known what living was until she met Albedo. Oh, how alluring he was. Feyre was trapped in his presence like a fly in a spider's web. They first met not too long ago, maybe when she was 17. She was going up into Dragonspine in order to pick some extra mint for a homemade remedy she was crafting. Well, technically, she met Sucrose first, but then came him.

She had just bent down to pick the last of the mint before she heard the sound of snow crunching, as well as clothes rubbing together. She could faintly hear the sound of jewelry clanking in the slight breeze. Her mind shocked her into defense mode. She'd had a dream like this before. It was that same Fatui agent in almost all of her dreams, binding her wrists and dragging her away by her hair. She refused to go down without a fight. She grabbed the hilt of her sword, a pathetic weapon to have if not used with a vision. She gripped the handle like a vice, her body freezing mid-stand. She paused for a second. So did the person. She then turned around as quick as a hare and pounced on the individual, pinning them to the ground.

Feyre was 100% not expecting a green haired, glasses wearing, meek alchemist to be under her. She immediately recognized the girl as Sucrose, Kaeya had mentioned her in a few conversations while he talked to her about his new job at the Knights of Favonius. He said that she was a shy little thing with a tendency to grow embarrassed or flustered by the smallest things. Feyre could relate to her on some level.

After recognition hit Feyre like a freight train, she climbed off of the shaking girl and stood up, offering her hand out to the alchemist.

"I am so sorry. I thought you were ... well, I actually don't know, but ..." She trailed off, silencing herself before she could ramble on again. The green-haired girl took her hand and lifted herself up, readjusting her uniform. She repositioned her glasses as a small smile split on her mouth. Feyre then recalled what Kaeya had said about her tendency to grow flustered, and looked at her cheeks. Low and behold, the alchemist was blushing furiously. The contrast between the red of her cheeks, the green of her hair, and the porcelain of her skin was a beautiful sight, Feyre decided. This thought caused her cheeks to erupt in heat as well.

"It's alright, I understand. I'm sorry for sneaking up on you like that, It's just ... I saw you picking mint and wanted to ask what it was for," The green-haired girl confessed, her eyes glued to the snow next to her shoes. Feyre realized that she wasn't one for eye contact either, and was thankful for this fact. After a few beats of silence, mostly caused because of Feyre admiring the sight of the alchemist's face, the said girl interjected worriedly. "You don't have to answer that! I totally understand if you think I'm strange for sneaking up on you, It's just that I thought maybe you were interested in alchemy as well, and if you happened to be researching the same things as me and-" The girl's rambling was promptly cut off by Feyre's calmly spoken words.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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