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After we made the comic in class, we went to the teachers lounge and secretly made copies of it. Me and George then went to the playground and distributed them.

"NEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW COMIC BOOK!" I yell out to the children of the playground. They all run towards George and I like madmen. George and I laugh a bit as we distribute the comics to each kid, before we count the coins and bills.

"I got 3 1-dollar bills and 48 pennies!" George says.

"Sweeet! I got... a 2-dollar bill? That's a thing? Oh, yeah, and 18 dimes! Man, they paid a lot for this issue!" I say to George.

"Well, it is our 60th issue!"

"True. True.... But why so much?"

George shrugs and says; "Don't think too much, man. We can now buy so much stuff! Like ice cream and.... and uh..... Ice cream!"

"Yeah.... Ice Cream...." I say, looking at our latest issue in my hands.

"What's wrong, Harold?" George asks me.

"Oh, me? Nothing, just nothing! Just can't believe this is our 60th issue..."

"I know man! This is great!"

"Maybe it's a bit much...."

George gasps. "Harold! How could you say that! Look around! Look at all of the happy faces! Do you think those are the faces of sadness of repetitiveness?"


"And aren't they happier than earlier today, when we all had to listen to teachers teaching stuff teachers teach?"

"Yeah... woah, that's a lot of the word teach...."

"I know, I'm just excited about our 60th issue!" George says excitedly.

Just then Melvin walks by to boast (yet again this week) about his newest invention.

'"Look what I've made! It's my newest dumb invention"' Well, thats what I think he says, anyways... Don't blame me! It's not my fault I wasn't listening!

"Hey George, lets wrap it and go inside, the bell's about to ring and I think we can squeeze in a few pranks if we're fast enough..."

George nods, so he and I go inside early (egh, never thought I'd say that....)

Sorry for another short chapter! It's 10pm and I am tired!

But I still hope you enjoyed! See you next time!

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