The hideout

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      I continued walking towards my hideout. The leaves crunched under my black converse, I could hear the birds chirping in the distance as my camera bounced with each step I took.

      I finally spotted the tree. It was the largest tree, right in the middle of the forest, making it easy to spot. Other than that, it wasn't all that special, apart from the fact that sitting atop it's  strong branches, lyed a large plank of wood. The plank was just big enough to fit two people, although it was usually just me who came here. I found the plank here, abandoned in the forest, when we first moved to this house. I had taken a hammer and nails from the garage and created a place for me to just hang out. I also came here to take photos. The nature was so beautiful around this area, so I come here often.

      Along with the sitting area on the tree, there is yet another plank of wood. This is my shelf I crafted. Atop the shelf has books, pictures of me and my mother, blankets, and stationary products such as baby wipes. Above my shelf, I had attached a raincoat so none of my items would be destroyed due to weather. I had figured it all out. In adition, I had added a small swing that hung off a branch, swaying on the far left of the tree.

      I climed atop the latter I had brought with me, and found a comfy spot on the plank. I took my jacket I had tied around my waste and placed it under me, adjusting it so I could sit better. I propped up the photo of me and my mom back up to it's normal position on my shelf. The wind must have nocked it over before I got there.

      It had been getting windier lately, for it was getting closer to Fall. Fall was nice, there wasn't anything truly bad about it, but when Fall comes, school comes along with it. All school ever caused was stress and drama. It's going to start up again in two weeks, and boy, just unexcited is an understatement.

      I never truly understood the point of school. I mean sure, you have to learn some basics for the real world, but every year I forget what I learned, and every year they teach you new shit that doesn't even matter.

      Not to mention the drama. There is always someone who wants to be an ass to people lower on the social hiarchy. Last year there was this girl, Vanessa, she was always talking non stop about how much fun she has with her mom. She would do this right in front of me too! What's her problem!?

      Suddenly, I heard a barking sound off in the distance. It was quiet, but you could tell it was a dog. Carefully,  I climed back down the latter and hopped onto the grass. As if on cue, the dog came running towards me.

      "Woah girl!" I exclaimed, getting her to stop just as she was about to charge at me, "I'm sorry Clover, I couldn't bring you any treats today."

      I pet the black dog's soft fur as she nuzzled her head against my jeans. She was a stray I had found awhile back. She always hung around these woods, hunting for food. My father never let me get a dog, he thought they where to dangerous, so when I found her I named her Clover because it was such luck that I found her.

      I would protect her with my life, she was my best friend. If anything happened to her, I don't know what I would do.


Authors note: random question are you a cat or a dog person?

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