"I don't know, just help me find clothes, okay?" GG pleaded, feeling flustered.

"Okay, how about this black jeans?" Kirsten suggested, rummaging through the pile of clothes.

"No, I wear these black jeans all the time," GG responded, shaking her head.

"Okay, how about this skirt? It's cute," Kirsten suggested another option.

"No, I might have to do something vigorous, something that would need some maintenance, so I need to feel comfortable," GG explained, rejecting the skirt.

"Okay, how about these joggers?" Kirsten proposed, trying to find a balance between casual and not too casual.

"No," GG replied, feeling frustrated.
"That is too casual"

"You're putting down everything, and I've made no progress. How am I supposed to help you when you're dismissing everything I suggest?" Kirsten complained.

GG sighed, feeling tense. "I'm so sorry, Kirsten. I'm just so tense."

"It's fine," Kirsten reassured her. "But this is the last one. If you don't like it, I don't know." Kirsten then held up a pair of blue jeans.

"Oh, that's actually a really nice pair of jeans," GG exclaimed, finally finding something she liked.

"Yeah, and I can pair it with that white button-down crop top I have," GG said, considering her outfit.

"Maybe you could also wear it with this grey jacket. You know how Korea gets. It can be cold," Kirsten suggested.

"Thanks a lot, Kristen. I needed this," GG said appreciatively.

"It's fine," Kristen reassured her.

"So, you never answered my question. Who's the girl you're going out with?" Kristen asked.

"What makes you think I'm going out with a girl? It could be a guy. Which makeup should I put on?" GG replied, a hint of defensiveness in her tone.

"Natural. Well, I have not seen you with a guy since we started this competition," Kristen pointed out.

"It could be Daniel. You never know."
GG pointed out.

"But for real, you know that it's not Daniel. It's one of the girls, right?" Kristen pressed.

"Okay, fine. It's one of the girls. And before you ask who it is, I can't tell you until the girl gives me the go-ahead to tell you," GG explained.

"Okay, fine. I will stop asking," Kristen said after GG's words. "You have to tell me about the date," Kirsten continued.

"Kristen, it's not a date. It's a hangout," GG clarified.

"Sure, sure," Kristen said, not entirely convinced by GG's explanation.

"I want to go shower now. So make yourself comfortable. I'll be right back," Gigi said.

"I'll make myself comfortable for a long time because you take a long time in the bathroom," Kirsten responded.

"Well, I like to make myself look good and smell good," Gigi explained.

"Are you trying to say that people who do not spend that much time in the bathroom do not smell good and look good?" Kirsten teased, jokingly.

"You are putting words in my mouth," Gigi chuckled.

"Taking a shower just helps me relax and think. And I need it so I won't be nervous when I go pick my friend up," Gigi elaborated.

"Okay, whatever you say. Anyways, I'm raiding your fridge," Kirsten said.

"Sure, why not? It's not like you wouldn't do it if I say no," Gigi replied as she entered the bathroom.

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