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"THIS is the worst wrapping job I've ever seen in my life, like, Santa Claus would throw you into a chimney if he saw this," Caroline says, appalled at Oscar's horrid attempt at wrapping Maia's gift.

It looked like he had tried to do origami over it, but ripped the paper so many times that he tried to use tape to save it, and thought that a ribbon—a ribbon that didn't match the color of the silver wrapping paper no less—would save it all.

A horrible job. Traumatic to see, even.

"It's, it's a box!" Alana sputters out, gesturing at the small thing on the table. "How do you fail at wrapping a box, Ossie?"

Oscar laughs at his sisters' reactions, and shakes his head as his face remains covered with one of his hands. "Just help me instead of insulting me!"

"How are you even alive right now? Genuinely, I'm stressed for you," Caroline sighs as she walks over to their small crafts cabinet in their kitchen, her chunky black heels hitting the wooden floor strongly with each step.

She walks back with a pair of silver scissors and a little white bow for the top of the gift, and watches as Alana rips off Oscar's mess while trying not to damage the actual gift itself.

"Does Maia have a sense of humor? Maybe she would have liked Oscar's wrapping," Alana teases, her deep brown hair swishing as she looks up to her older brother with a mean little smile.

He waves a hand at her, playful annoyance in his tone. "Whatever, just help me, please?"

"Rude," she mumbles.

Alana tosses the paper and tape amalgamation into the trash bin as Caroline places a big, clean piece of wrapping paper onto the table. She then places the box on top of the backside of the wrapping paper, and places down the pair of scissors next to it.

Gesturing towards the items, she says, "Okay, sit down, I'm gonna walk you through this as the professional gift wrapper of the family."

"You're actually the worst—"

"Sit down, or I'm gonna steal the gift and give it to my girlfriend instead."

"Okay, okay!" Oscar says hastily as he sits down at the table, listening to Caroline's instructions as she directs him how to properly wrap a box.

✓ | UNTIL THE SONG WAS DONE, oscar piastriKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat